Arduino - I/O Functions - The pins on the Arduino board can be configured as either inputs or outputs. We will explain the functioning of the pins in those modes. It is important to note that a majority of Arduino analog pins, may be configured, and used
unsigned int wasPressedFor() const; byte getNumberOfClicks() const; byte getType() const; boolean isPressed() const; boolean isPressedRaw() const; bool wasPressed() const;IDs for Button InstancesEach button instance gets a unique (auto incremented) ID upon creation. You can get a buttons'...
captureSimultaneousValues - Store a defined ammount of values into two buffers one for each ADC captureInterleavedValues - Store a defined ammount of values into a buffer using two ADCs recaptureADCvalues - Store values again using last settings TransferADCComplete - Checks if DMA transfer is com...
This method accepts as arguments the coordinates of each corner and the,10,55,20,5,40,1) TriangleUse the fill_triangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, color) method to draw a filled triangle....
Each of the four versions of the Lite SBC evaluation board can be directly connected via a µIO-stick (SPI) to your computer (USB). The Config Wizard for SBC, a graphical user interface, is accessible via the Infineon Toolbox and allows full access to the configuratio...
For example, in one activity, Function Addition (described further in the “Coordinated Action” section), the movement of each board generates one of the colored graphs, and the sum of these two functions is displayed in black. Figure 3 shows one such graph. Here, the left balance board ...
This very simple code only tests the D7 pin at the beginning of each blink. If a slow blink begins just before the button is pressed, there is a noticable lag time until the rapid blinking begins. A more sophisticated approach would involve writing a custom delay function that immediately ...
and you will see the red LED blink briefly whenever data is transmitted on UART0. Note that the green LED is on the same pin as an LCD control pin; the green LED will blink briefly whenever data is sent to the LCD, but the two functions will otherwise not interfere with each other....
This is done differently for each of the 6 final mono files which can be previewed and mixed (levels set) with an interface I've created using AutoIt and Bass.au3. I use this code to create the streams from the mono mixdowns: $channel1 = _BASS_StreamCreateFile($bass_dll, False,...
The same PWM output can be selected on two GPIO pins; the same signal will appear on each GPIO. If a PWM B pin is used as an input, and is selected on multiple GPIO pins, then the PWM slice will see the logical OR of those two GPIO inputsUsage...