The theory of functions of a complex variable is the extension of calculus to complex variables. 复变函数是微积分的内容从实变量到复变量的扩展。 2. Line integrals are used extensively in the theory of functions of a complex variable. 在复变量函数理论中广泛使用线积分。 www.t...
FunctionsofaComplexVariable andIntegralTransforms DepartmentofMathematics ZhouLingjun Textbook FunctionsofComplexAnalysiswithApplications toEngineeringandScience,3rdEdition.A.D. Snider&E.B.Saff. References ComplexAnalysis,ThirdEdition,LarsV.Ahlfors Whatisthecourseabout? •Themainrolesofthiscoursearesinglevariable...
The replacement of the real variable x in the function y = f ( x ) by the complex variable z = x + iy leads naturally to the study of functions of a complex variable w = f ( z ). Like functions of a real variable, w = f ( z ) is defined in some region of the complex ...
副标题: of Functions of a Complex Variable出版年: 2002-10-22页数: 304定价: 317.00 元装帧: 精装ISBN: 9780821828311豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 目录 ··· Part One: Complex Numbers: The complex numbers from the algebraic point of view The geometry...
This book is based on lectures on geometric function theory given by the author at Leningrad State University. It studies univalent conformal mapping of simply and multiply connected domains, conformal mapping of multiply connected domains onto a disk, applications of conformal mapping to the study ...
complex variable 复变量,复变数 theory ofanalytic functions 解析函数论 geometric theory of functions 几何函数论 function of a complex variable 复变函数 complex random variable 复随机变量 complex variable function 复变函数 regular function of complex variable 复变量正则函数 相似...
Functions of a Complex Variable provides all the material for a course on the theory of functions of a complex variable at the senior undergraduate and beginning graduate level. Also suitable for self-study, the book covers every topic essential to training students in complex analysis. It also ...
Functions of Complex Variables Description The theory of functions of a complex variable is a basic branch of mathematics.Itsstudiedobject is the functionsofacomplex variable.The theory of functions of a complex variable has a long history,therich content andtheperfect theory. It is also widely use...
See tutors like this cos(Θ+i*Φ)= = cos(Θ) cosh(Φ) -i sin(Θ) sinh(Φ)=cos(α)+i sin(α) Now take absolute value from both sides of cos(Θ) cosh(Φ) -i sin(Θ) sinh(Φ)=cos(α)+i sin(α) (cos(Θ) cosh(Φ))2+(sin(Θ) sinh(Φ))2=1 ...