Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States, issues and challenges pertaining to the federal structure, devolution of powers and finances up to local levels and challenges thereinIn Indian constitution, there is a dual polity with a vibrant division of powers between ...
The SC asserted that an arrest should be based on admissible evidence and not on inadmissible evidence. Rigid and Restrictive Arrest Powers High Bar for Bail: Given the stringent bail conditions under PMLA, the Court stated that the power to arrest must be rigid and restrictive. Purpose of Arre...
至於部門的職能方面,政府解釋說採用Food and Environmental Hygiene Department 更能反映部門的工作。 Using feature questions riding on the Legislative Council by-election rolling survey,itexplainedtheotherfunctionsofrolling surveys, on top of monitoring the support rates of[......
It is structured according to an inductive systematization of six different deepfake applications and types of impact in the political context: Three deepfake uses spread disinformation, serving differing political goals (deepfakes for election manipulation, targeted attacks on political opponents, and ...
life; this comprehends the safety of fellow citizens as regards one another and the self-preservation of thecountryas regards foreign powers. Life exists for the exercise of liberty, in terms of both natural andcivil rights, and these, along with other specific functions of government, provide ...