Fluctuating nature of the functioning of the endocrine system. I. Study in vitro of the rhythm of the gonadotropic hormonesn56100* --physics (astrophysics & cosmology)--cosmic radiationamplitudescosmic radiationforbush decreasegeomagnetic field
The influence of exercise on the functioning of the pituitary–gonadal axis in physically active older and younger men Age is a meaningful factor modulating the functioning of the human endocrine system. In our research, the factor stimulating the pituitary–gonadal axis wa... M. Słowińska-Li...
meningioma - a tumor arising in the meninges which surround the brain and spinal cord; usually slow growing and sometimes malignant neurilemoma, neurofibroma - tumor of the fibrous covering of a peripheral nerve neuroma - any tumor derived from cells of the nervous system phaeochromocytoma, pheoc...
The endocrine control of reproduction in Nereidae: a new multi-hormonal model with implications for their functional role in a changing environment Nereidae are vital to the functioning of estuarine ecosystems and are major components in the diets of over-wintering birds and commercial fish. They ...
The thyroid is an endocrine gland located in the larynx, particularly important for its function. It produces hormones necessary for the proper functioning of the body, and in the case of its disturbed work, the following symptoms, among others, may occur: ...
Clinically nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas are also called endocrine inactive or nonsecreting adenomas, because they do not cause specific clinical syndromes of hormonal oversecretion, which can be clinically recognized or determined from tumor markers in the patient’s serum. ...
Specific topic areas highlight the influence and modulation of social feelings on interpersonal affiliation, parent-child attachments, moral sentiments, interpersonal stressors, and emotional communication. Brain regions involved in social feelings were confirmed by meta-analysis using the Neurosynth platform...
Niaouli essential oil can also be used to enhance the endocrine system and correct hormonal imbalances. Overall, the use of this oil strengthens the body’s immunity, by facilitating optimal absorption of nutrients and boosting the functioning of the body’s systems and organs....
Objectives: To identify the most common problems of individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) in the early post-acute and the long-term context, respectively, using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as a frame of reference. Setting: International. Methods...
it is thought that stress and depression exert influence on the immune system, and vice versa: resilience, negatively related to depression, is thought to correlate with a better functioning immune system.4,13,14 It is unclear to what extent individuals are aware of their objective immune status...