Use of the term "functional" trait has increased exponentially in ecology. Although accounting for numerous ecological questions, this concept raises several issues. We propose that the term "functional" could be misleading because (1) no rigorous criteria exist to identify "functional" traits and ...
LiMRC Functional Genomics UnitMilan Malinsky... D Brawand,CE Wagner,YI Li,... - 《Nature》 被引量: 595发表: 2014年 Functional genomics of Buchnera and the ecology of aphid hosts In many animal groups, mutualistic bacterial symbionts play a central role in host ecology, by provisioning ...
1) Recent studies suggest that the genotype may be an important functional unit of community variation. This raises the principal question addressed in this study: does micro-evolution occur differentially within a single population in r... LWA Turkington - 《Journal of Ecology》 被引量: 234发表...
widelyusedinstudiesrangingfromtheleveloforganismstothatofecosystems.Despitesomeattemptstofix theterminology,especiallyinplantecology,thereiscurrentlyahighdegreeofconfusionintheuse,notonlyof theterm‘‘trait’’itself,butalsointheunderlyingconceptsitrefersto.Wethereforegiveanunambiguous ...
We used 12 × 50 binoculars to locate birds, and a hand-held GPS unit with a 5-m error to measure distances within and among wetlands. Scientific nomenclature and taxonomic sequence follow Jetz et al.44. Building the avian phylogenetic tree Sets of 10,000 pseudo-posterior samples of ...
In that second year, both nitrogen and phosphorus applications decreased the abundance and total above-ground dry weight per unit area of Plantago erecta Morris, a dominant annual forb, and decreased the density of all plants taken together. Additionally, Benomyl increased total plant density. ...
School of Ecology and Nature Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, 100083, China Zheng-yu Deng & Jia-shuo Cao Contributions Z.D.: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Validation, Investigation, Data Curation, Writing - Original Draft, Visualization. J.C.: Conceptualization, Formal ...
Comparative plant ecology: A functional approach to common British species In the third week of September 1986 I attended the 25thAnniversary Symposium of Sheffield University's Unit ofComparative Plant Ecology by kind invitation of theDirector of the Unit, Professor Ian H. Rorison, and hisstaff....
The complex neuronal circuitry of the brain develops from limited information contained in the genome. After the genetic code instructs the birth of neurons, the emergence of brain regions, and the formation of axon tracts, it is believed that temporally
1. Biological responses to liming of acidified surface waters are equivocal and limit the overall assessment of food web responses. In this study, we analy... DG Angeler,W Goedkoop - 《Journal of Applied Ecology》 被引量: 54发表: 2010年 Forestry affects food webs in northern Swedish coastal...