In this chapter, we look at: 1 In this chapter, we look at: 1.Katharina Reiss's early work on text type and language function; 2. Justa Holz-Manttari's theory of translational action; 3. Hans J. Vermeer's skopos theory which centred on the purpose of the TT; 4 Christiane Nord's ...
theory which has produces as many contradictory statements and has set off a many attempts at an adequate, comprehensive definition as the concept of translation equivalence between source language text and target language text”(Wilss,2002) In his definition,“translation is a transfer process which...
FunctionalTypology K.Bühler representation expression appeal FunctionalTypology R.Jacobson referential Expressive表情、表达 informative Vocative 感染、呼唤 Aesthetic美学 Phatic寒暄 FunctionalTypology 1Expressive2Informative3Vocative(Newmark)/operative(Reiss)/appellative(Nord) Tojudgethefunctionaltypologyof...
1.2.1 A mirror of Culture Peter Newmark defines culture as: the way of life and its manifestations that are peculiar to a community that uses a particular language as its means of expression. Culture manifests itself in patterns of language, the amazing development of human history is mirrored...
of functional equivalence.Key terms:functional equivalent,near-equivalence, partial equivalence, non-equivalence Introduction Legal translation is considered by many to be extremely challenging. Particular challenges are posed by the specificity of legal language and, in particular, the system-bound nature ...
forwardbyNewmark,whoisafamoustranslationtheorist ofEngland.Thecommunieativetranslationtheorynotonly emphasizeslanguagemeaningtransform,butalsofunctional equivalence.SpreadingandbecomingpopularinChinainearly 1980s,Nida'stranslationtheoryisthedebutformostofChinese ...
分类号 密级 学校代码 10452 11 学号—TD2—00600 Onthe TranslationofChinese Catchwords fromthe of Functional Perspective EquivalenceTheory 从功能对等的视角看汉语流行语的翻译 研究 生 姓名 石小燕 指导教师姓名、职称 堕!塾到塾撞 湖南师范大学学位评定委员会办公室 二0一二年十二月 Onthe TranslationofChines...
hatcanbemadeofit,andIhave alwaysconsideredatheoryoflanguagetobeessentiallyconsumeroriented”( 1985a,P.7).AsCoffin(2001,P.94) pointsout‟‟SFLisprimarilyalinguistictheory”and”oneofthemainpurposesf orHalliday…indevelopingSFL hasbeentocreateatheoryforsolvingarangeofproblemsfacedbypotential‟co ns...
奈达功能对等理论视角下的旅游资料翻译分析-an analysis of tourism materials translation from the perspective of nida's functional equivalence theory 摘要近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展和综合国力的提升,加上我国悠久灿烂文化遗产的魅力,世界各地来中国旅游的人数直线上升。旅游资料是世界各国不同游客了解中国的一种...