A systematic evaluation of the methodological quality of the included studies prompted the application of meta-analysis to the combined results, with Review Manager 5.3 serving as the analytical tool.After the filtering process, the meta-analysis ultimately contained 13 articles. A total of 1115 ...
Changes in cell number were quantified via a colorimetric assay using crystal violet (Gillies et al, 1986;Kueng et al, 1989) and read using a spectrophotometric plate reader (Model 550, Microplate Manager 4.0 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. Hercules, CA USA) at 0, 24, 48, and 72 h after add...
Teacher and Student Roles for imitative learning for modelling, add Directive roles Facilitative roles Manager Counsellor Explainer Fellow student Task setter Resource with students as Imitator Responder with students as Investigator Manager Explainer Shell Centre Team 18 Version A, for comment Making ...
CNVs of the downstream CNEs have been reported in many idiopathic short stature (ISS) cases, however, only recently have a few CNVs of the upstream enhancers been identified. Here, we set out to provide insight into: (i) the cis-regulatory role of these upstream CNEs in human cells, (ii...