We can see this in action if we force the keys to a single value. If we specify a third parameter we can specify a BiFunction (two parameters in, one out) to deal with the clash instead. If the result of this function is null, the latest is kept. If we specify a fourth ...
3.1 Definition To define functional encryption for set intersection, we modify the definition of public key functional encryption to consider a multi-client setting in which individual clients own indi- vidual encryption keys [24]. First, a trusted center creates a master key, an encryption key ...
For most developers, FP means using immutable data as much as possible, but mutable state is still a necessary evil that must be isolated and managed, e.g. with Akka actors orsynchronizedclasses. This style of FP results in simpler programs that are easier to parallelise and distribute, an ...
All right, now we have a toolkit of generic functions that we can use anywhere in our application, even in other projects. We can tally up the items in an array, get the average value of an array, and make new arrays by plucking properties from lists of objects. Last but not least, ...