What are the two functional groups present in the following compound, other than alkane and cycloalkane? For ethyl acetate write the formula and functional group. Phenol is an organic compound that contains which functional group? This molecule is found in nail polish remover. What is the functio...
Major oxygen-containing functional groups present in humic and fulvic acids fractionfrom contrasting marine environments. Rashid M. A. and King L.H. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta . 1970M. A. Rashid, and L. H. King, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta , 34:193 (1970)....
What functional group(s) is the UV/vis light beam interacting with in acetaminophen? Which amino acids contain amide as a functional group in their R group? Which amino acids contain alcohol as a functional group in their R group? What functional groups do uracil, guanine, cytosine, and t...
Functional initiator with/without a protected functional group is generally used during the living cationic polymerization to produce functional polymers. Protection of the functional group is necessary when the functional group in the initiator is reactive under the polymerization conditions. In 1985, func...
Richness, abundance, and diversity profiles of representative genes in different cold seep sites.In the bar graphs of functional genes, the red bars on the left signify richness, which is scaled with the lefty-axis, representing how many distinct GSCs are present for that particular functional gen...
Here we present a facile and general strategy to synthesize SCFPs with tailored hetero-functional groups, such as OH/NH2, OH/COOH, and NH2/N3, via radical-initiated step-growth (RISG) polymerization in water. The whole process is catalyst-free and the monomers are commercially available. The...
Some OTUs were present in both the SML and subsurface, indicating, as with DGGE experiments, that many bacteria are found in both the SML and the subsurface samples. However, most OTUs in both libraries were unique to that library, indicating that SML-specific or subsurface-specific bacterial ...
midgut libraries, respectively, and had highest scoring BLASTX alignments to microbial protein coding genes present in the NCBI non-redundant protein database at an e-value of 1e-5 or lower, a minimum alignment length of 15 amino acids, and at least a 60% amino acid similarity (Table 4)...
This is so because one of the monomeric units- isothiocyanate reacts with alcohol or amine groups present in most biomolecules. Commercially available monomers provide weak binding site interactions [80] which leads to heterogeneity, low saturation capacity, and non-specific binding. In addition, the...
One of the most abundantly available organic polymers, cellulose is present in the wall of the plant cells. It is made up of d-Glucose units (pyranose), a six-carbon ring (Fig. 4a). Each pyranose ring consists of three hydroxyl groups, causing the interaction between one another. This in...