Functional Group Distributions in Carboxylic Acid Containing Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Microgels. Todd Hoare,Robert Pelton. Langmuir . 2004Hoare T, Pelton R. Functional group distributions in carboxylic acid-containing poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microgels. Langmuir 2004;20:2123-33....
产品名称:羧酸盐(Carboxylate)官能基团载玻片,羧基功能化载玻片 英文名称:Carboxylic acid functional glass slides 羧酸盐官能基团(Carboxylate functional group)可以通过一系列化学反应和修饰过程,在玻片表面上进行载体化。这种功能化的玻片可以用于各种应用,如蛋白质吸附、细胞培养和生物分子固定等。 以下是一种常见的方法...
What functional group gives a positive test in the xanthoproteic test? Which complementary functional group from dopamine would need to be present in the receptor for the interaction to occur? Which of these structures is omega-3-acid? Look at the structure of progesterone, and identify all ...
Surface functionality: Carboxylic acid; Glass size: 25x75x1.1 mm; Acid density: 50~100 umol acid/cm2. 羧基修饰载玻片系列关键词 Carboxylic acid functional glass slides;羧基功能化修饰的载玻片 羧基修饰的生物芯片 羧基功能化载玻片 玻璃片表面羧基化(-COOH) 羧基修饰PS载玻片 生物芯片表面修饰羧基(carbo...
英文名称:Carboxylic acid functional glass slides 产地:西安 规格:1mg 5mg 10mg 纯度:99% 状态:固体/粉末 储藏条件:冷藏-20℃ 温馨提示:仅用于科研,不能用于人体实验! 说明:提供使用说明,核磁图谱,包装,价格,产地,制备方法,应用,稳定性,溶解度,简单合成等各种信息 ...
Carboxylic acids have what type of functional group? Which of these structures is stearic acid? What functional group is in the following molecule? Aldehyde Alcohol Ester What are the functional groups present in the following substances (please list/name each one)? 1. Acetylsalicylic acid. 2...
英文名称:Slides glass, carboxylic acid functional 羧基功能化载玻片是在载玻片表面引入羧基官能团的一种化学修饰方法。羧基(carboxyl group)是由一个碳原子与一个羟基(hydroxyl group)和一个羰基(carbonyl group)连接而成的官能团(functional group)。羧基官能团具有很强的化学反应性,可以用于进行各种化学反应或材料修饰...
Carboxylic acid functional glass slides;羧基功能化修饰的载玻片 西安齐岳生物科技有限公司*生产销售ITO,FTO,AZO导电玻璃,齐岳生物*为各种官能团的盖玻片表面涂层。功能性盖玻片包括但不限于氨基功能性盖玻片、醛功能性盖玻片、环氧化物功能性盖玻片、羧基功能性盖玻片、生物素功能性盖玻片、链霉亲和素盖玻片、聚赖氨酸盖玻...
Surface functionality: Carboxylic acid; Glass size: 25x75x1.1 mm; Acid density: 50~100 umol acid/cm2. 我们提供用于玻璃载玻片表面涂层的各种功能组。功能组包括醛基、氨基、羧基、环氧基、多聚赖氨酸、peg、肝素等。 羧基修饰载玻片 Carboxylic acid functional glass slides;羧基功能化修饰的载玻片 ...
Hydroxyl Functional Group DerivativeFunctional groupGeneral formulaExamples Water –OH H–OH H–OH (water) Alcohol –OH R3C–OH CH3–OH (methanol) Phenol –OH Ar*–OH C6H5–OH (phenol) In contaminants, the hydroxyl group is present in two broad classes of compounds: (a) Alcohols: Organic...