A function transformer is disclosed in which apparatus is used to transform an input signal that may be, originally, either in analog or digital form, into an output signal that is a selectable nonlinear function of the input signal, thereby using electronic apparatus where, in previous systems,...
from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer transformer = FunctionTransformer(np.log1p) X = np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]]) transformer.transform(X) 自定义数据变换的接口,可以比较方便的写自定义的转换逻辑比如rank Gaussian,虽然真玩意儿我没觉得多magic。。。 from sklearn.preprocessing import Fun...
此外,分析单个attention head需要考虑输入在通过Transformer块中位置级的前向网络后,各个heads之间混合的信息。使用Attention Rollout和Attention Flow能够单独分析每个attention head中的信息,但是为了简便,一般在所有的attention heads上平均每一层的attention来进行分析。 Attention rollout 给定一个L层的Transformer,希望计算从...
SUBSTANCE: transformer has input bus 1, first squarer 2, unit 3, n squarers 4-1, adder 5, output bus 6, and reference-voltage supply with relevant connections. EFFECT: enlarged functional capabilities; extended class of transformed functions; reduced conversion error; improved speed; simplified ...
The utility model provides a current and zero sequence dual-function transformer, which relates to the overcurrent, ground and leakage protection of an integrated circuit breaker, a line and a motor in power supply control protection and the like In the utility model, three same current ...
SUBSTANCE: transformer has input bus 1, first squarer 2, unit 3, n squarers 4-1, adder 5, output bus 6, and reference-voltage supply with relevant connections. EFFECT: enlarged functional capabilities; extended class of transformed functions; reduced conversion error; improved speed; simplified ...
GDB-IV Transformer Turns Ratio Tester is an automatic tester that measures transformation ratio of single phase and three phase transformers, which is suitable for using in power system, transformer manufacturer and railway electrical system. It is suitable to be used for ...
Transformers 作为自回归语言模型也表现出令人印象深刻的性能,例如 Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) 系列模型(Radford et al., 2018, 2019; Brown et al., 2020),它们在自然语言生成。这些工作激发了蛋白质序列的后续应用(Rao 等人,2019;Rives 等人,2019;Elnaggar 等人,2020;Vig 等人,2020)。
高斯误差线性单元(GELU)激活函数在最近的 Transformer 模型(谷歌的 BERT 和 OpenAI 的 GPT-2)中得到了应用广泛。 GELU激活函数 可以看出,当 x 大于 0 时,输出为 x;但 x=0 到 x=1 的区间除外,这时曲线更偏向于 y 轴。 函数式: GELU激活函数公式 ...
隔离变压器的作用(Thefunctionofisolatingtransformer) Thefunctionofisolatingtransformer [1] Ingeneral,theneutrallineofouralternatingcurrentis grounded.Therearemanyharmonicsinthealternatingcurrent andsmallcurrentsgeneratedbystraymagneticfields,sothe interferenceisgreat Anisolatedtransformerisatransformerof1to1.Primary220V,...