For antigen retrieval the sections were placed in pre-warmed 10 mM sodium citrate buffer pH 6.0, briefly boiled and incubated for 10 min at sub-boiling temperature (10%) in a microwave followed by 30 min at room temperature. After washing with PBS the sections were incubated for 1...
In spite of these challenges, with the current pace of discoveries, we can anticipate a rapid progression in deciphering the basic mechanisms of circRNA functions and an emerging role in the near future for circRNA-based diagnostic or therapeutic strategies for skeletal and cardiac muscle disorders....
These carbohydrate chains are composed of the monosaccharide subunits, galactose, sialic acid, which renders mucin with hydrophilic properties [11–13]. Mucin chains also contain non-glycosylated regions that are rich in cysteine moieties, enabling interchain disulfide crosslinking. The non-glycosylated ...
Work function has been ddescribed as energy nneeded to rreemmoovve oonnee eelleeccttrroonn ffrroomm tthhee ssyysstteemm.. Therefore, it can be callccuullaatteeddbbyysusbutbrtarcatcintigngthethFeerFmerimenieergnyerfgroymfrtohme etlhecetreolsetcattriocsptoatiecntpiaolteinntihael minidtdhlee ...