在上面的代码中,ReturnIntArray函数返回一个包含5个整数的数组。TestReturnIntArray子过程调用该函数,并使用Debug.Print语句来打印返回的数组的每个元素,以验证其正确性。 请注意,由于VBA的数组是基于0或1的下标(这取决于你如何定义它们),因此在访问数组元素时,要确保使用正确的下标范围。在上面的示例中,数组是使用Re...
除了以上固定数组外,VBA还有一种功能强大的动态数组,定义时无大小维数声明;在程序中再利用Redim语句来重新改变数组大小,原来数组内容可以通过加preserve关键字来保留。如下例: Dimas double : Redim array1(5) : array1(3)=250 : Redim 1. 第六节注释和赋值语句 1)注释语句是用来说明程序中某些语句的功能和作...
The VBA function Array returns an array containing the values passed as arguments.Usage:Array(value_0, value_1, value_2, etc.)Example of UsageUsing the Array function to obtain an array with specified values:Sub example() 'Array composed of 3 elements myArray = Array("www", "excel-...
(157) Application.CommandBars(1).Controls(2).Controls(16).Execute ‘执行“定位”话框,相当于选择菜单“编辑——定位”命令 (158) Application.Transpose(Array(“Sun”,”Mon”,”Tur”,”Wed”,”Thu”,”Fri”,”Sat”)) ‘返回一个垂直的数组 (159) Application.Version ‘返回使用的Excel 版本号 (1...
首先,让我们介绍一下VBA函数的基本语法和用法。VBA函数通常用于执行特定的操作并返回一个值。函数的定义以`Function`关键字开始,后跟函数的名称和参数列表,格式如下: ``` Function FunctionName(Param1 As DataType, Param2 As DataType) As ReturnType '函数的代码逻辑 ' ... '返回值 FunctionName = ReturnVal...
i'm wondering if this is possible. i currently have to enter a formula in a cell and then work with the date in that range. i can get the results of the...
MyWeek = Array("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun") ' Return values assume lower bound set to 1 (using Option Base ' statement). MyDay = MyWeek(2) ' MyDay contains "Tue". MyDay = MyWeek(4) ' MyDay contains "Thu"....
DimMyWeek, MyDay MyWeek = Array("Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun")' Return values assume lower bound set to 1 (using Option Base' statement).MyDay = MyWeek(2)' MyDay contains "Tue".MyDay = MyWeek(4)' MyDay contains "Thu". ...
Learn 6 ways for Excel VBA function to return multiple values. ByRef, Collection, Dictionary, Array, CSV explained.
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