The IoGetCurrentProcess routine returns a pointer to the current process. Call PsGetCurrentProcess instead of IoGetCurrentProcess.SyntaxC++ Kopiér PEPROCESS IoGetCurrentProcess(); Return valueIoGetCurrentProcess returns a pointer to the current process.
p_irqctrl->dbg_epc = epc;if(cause ==0x8000000000000000l) {for(inti =0; i < CFG_IRQ_TOTAL; i++) {if(p_irqctrl->irq_pending & (0x1<< i)) {irq_handler= (IRQ_HANDLER)isr_table[i].handler; p_irqctrl->irq_cause_idx = i;irq_handler((void*)isr_table[i].arg); p_irqctrl...
IRQn_Typeirq_num; TIMER_INFO *info; } TIMER_RESOURCES; In this case, we are providing thebase addressand register definitions for timer 0 along with itsinterrupt channelnumber and GPIO pin selection. The timer info structure defines afunction pointerto the interrupt callback function. ...
handle_percpu_irq);#ifdefined(CONFIG_BMIPS4380) || defined(CONFIG_BMIPS5000)/* set up SW IRQs for SMP */for(i = irq_base; i < irq_base +8; i++)#elsefor(i = irq_base +2; i < irq_base +8; i++)#endifset_irq_chip_and_handler(i, &mips_cpu_irq_controller, handle_per...
tapset function::set_kernel_char function::set_kernel_int function::set_kernel_long function::set_kernel_pointer function::set_kernel_short function::set_kernel_string function::set_kernel_string_n 28. guru タップセット guru タップセット function::mdelay function::panic function:...
- Revert "net/smc: fix a NULL pointer dereference" - net/smc: properly handle workqueue allocation failure - Revert "net: caif: replace BUG_ON with recovery code" - net: caif: remove BUG_ON(dev == NULL) in caif_xmit - Revert "char: hpet: fix a missing check of ioremap" ...
LAN Queue Interface — AVF Driver 2.1.5 Packet Receive Flow Receive Descriptors Preparation and Tail Bump During normal operation, the AVF driver accesses hardware directly using the following flow: • Prepare receive descriptors by clearing the DD bit and setting t...
//__disable_irq(); while (1) { } /USER CODE END Error_Handler_Debug */ } #ifdef USE_FULL_ASSERT /** @briefReports the name of the source file and the source line number where the assert_param error has occurred. @paramfile: pointer to the source file name ...
*/ extern IRQn_Type g_lpspiIrqId[LPSPI_INSTANCE_COUNT]; /* Pointer to runtime state structure.*/ extern lpspi_state_t * g_lpspiStatePtr[LPSPI_INSTANCE_COUNT]; /*** * Prototypes ***/ /*! * @brief The function LPSPI_DRV_IRQHandler passes ...
For example, if the driver stores the pointer to its interrupt object(s) in the device extension, it must call IoDisconnectInterrupt before calling IoDeleteDevice.A driver can call IoDeleteDevice only once for a given device object.When a driver calls IoDeleteDevice, the I/O manager deletes the...