Abruptchanges of atmospheric pressure associatedwith height and the exposure to other gases suchas CO present in vehicles and closed roomscould compromise the normal functioning of theorganism because their presence affects thetransport function of the hemoglobin. In thispaper, we will explain everyday...
摘要: It is well known that hemoglobin in red blood cells may deliver oxygen to tissue and retrieve carbon dioxide, but recent investigation shows that hemoglobin has a new role as blood pressure regulator. The article deals with the new development of the function on hemoglobin.关键词: ...
The article presents research which examined how hemoglobin regulates oxygen transport in the bloodstream, and the clinical and physiological importance of this regulation. The role of hemoglobin in the body is mentioned. A discussion is presented about the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve and the clinica...
Mangum CP (1977) Annelid hemoglobins: a dichotomy in structure and function. In: Reish DJ, Faucald, K (eds) Essays in memory of Dr. Olga Hartman. Allan Hancock Found. Univ S Calif, Los Angeles, pp 407–425 Google Scholar Mangum CP (1978) Temperature adaptation. In: Mill PJ (ed)...
The structure-function relationship of hemoglobin in solution at atomic resolution. Chemical Reviews 104, 1219- 1230.Lukin, J. A., and Ho, C. (2004) The structure-function relationship of hemoglobin in solution at atomic resolution. Chem. Rev. 104, 1219-1230....
20种氨基酸的功能(The function of 20 amino acids)Effects of amino acids on human body Glycine (GLY)1, reduce blood cholesterol levels, prevention and treatment of hypertension 2, reduce blood sugar levels, prevention and treatment of diabetes 3, can prevent blood clots, thrombosis 4, improve ...
A novel hemoglobin variant was observed in pure sheep ( Ovis aries) breeds of the island of Chios (Greece), Egypt and Hungary. This silent variant was identified by gel electrophoresis and RP-HPLC of dissociated globin chains. Two Arg for Lys substitutions were detected, by means of MALDI TO...
Hemoglobin (Hb), a metalloprotein in Red Blood Cells (RBC), is highly conserved across all vertebrates and in some invertebrates. Each RBC houses approximately 250 million Hb molecules which serve as transporters of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissues to the...
1,participateinthesynthesisofcholine,hasthefunction offat,preventionandtreatmentofatherosclerosisin hyperlipemia 2,havethefunctionofimprovingmusclevitality,prevent muscleweakness 3,promotethesynthesisofskinproteinsandinsulin 4.participateintheformationofhemoglobin,tissueandserum, ...
Functional properties of hemoglobin M i wate (α 2 87 t yr β 2 a ) were studied with particular reference to their relations with the structure of this abnormal hemoglobin.1. The oxygen affinity of hemoglobin M i wate (in reality the β subunits) was far lower than that of hemoglobin ...