Schonfeld T, O'Neal MH, Platzker ACG, et al. Function of the diaphragm before and after plication. Thorax 1980; 85:631- 632Schonfeld T et al. Function of the diaphragm before and after pli- cation. Thorax 1980; 85: 631-632.Schonfeld T, O'Neal MH, Platzker ACG, Weitzman ...
The aim was to describe diaphragmatic behavior during postural limb activities and examine the ventilatory and stabilizing functions of the diaphragm. Thirty healthy subjects were examined in the supine position using a dynamic MRI system assessed simultaneously with specialized spirometric readings. The dia...
The inspiratory efficiency of the diaphragm during unilateral and bilateral phrenic stimulation (UEPS and BEPS) with constant stimulus was studied in seven dogs from FRC to 120% TLC. Alveolar pressures (PAl) were recorded during relaxation, BEPS and UEPS at each lung volume in the closed respirato...
In humans, the parasternal intercostals act in concert with the scalene muscles to expand the upper rib cage, and/or to prevent it from being drawn inward by the action of the diaphragm. The external intercostal muscles are considered to be active mainly during inspiration, and the internal ...
How sensory perception is processed by the two sexes of an organism is still only partially understood. Despite some evidence for sexual dimorphism in auditory and olfactory perception, whether touch is sensed in a dimorphic manner has not been addressed
The design of the curve surface shape of a diaphragm chamber is a key technique. It directly influences the displacement of a diaphragm compressor and the working life of diaphragm. Over the past years, a kind of index curve shape has been used, however, not only is its working volume smal...
Dysfunction in the contractile properties of the diaphragm muscle contributes to the morbidity and mortality in many neuromuscular and respiratory diseases. Methods that can accurately quantify diaphragm function in mouse models are essential for preclin
Sonographic evaluation of the diaphragm in critically ill patients. Technique and clinical applications Tobin M, Laghi F (1998) Monitoring of respiratory muscle function. In: Tobin M (ed) Principe and practice of respiratory care monitoring. McGraw-Hill,... D Matamis,E Soilemezi,M Tsagourias,....
This technology could be useful for therapeutic purposes, such as restoring the mobility of the vocal cords in patients suffering from laryngeal paralysis.Similar content being viewed by others Optogenetic activation of the diaphragm Article Open access 20 April 2022 Skeletal muscle cells opto-...
Another emerging noninvasive method introduced is ultrasound imaging of the diaphragm. Volitional tests that measure maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures are the most commonly used in COPD patients because they are readily available. We believe that primary care physicians involved in the care of...