Hormonal regulation of B-cell function and systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus 17:528–32Cohen-Solal JFThe prevalence of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is far higher in females than in males and numerous investigations to understand this gender bias have been performe...
Endometrial fibrosis, a significant characteristic of intrauterine adhesion (IUA), is caused by the excessive differentiation and activation of endometrial stromal cells (ESCs). Glutaminolysis is the metabolic process of glutamine (Gln), which has been i
Labour processes are also controlled centrally by incoming (sensory, afferent) ANS nerves, which transmit information about the physiological state of the cervix, vagina and uterine muscles to regulatory centres in the brain. This sensory information helps to regulate oxytocin release during labour [15...
Gastroenterology Volume 108, Issue 4, Supplement 1, April 1995, Pages A376 Digestive Disease Week and the 95th Annual Meeting of the American Gastroenterological AssociationAGA AbstractNeurohormonal regulation of pancreatic exocrine function in a new rat model without gene expression of cholecystokinin-A...
Hypothalamic regulation of hormone secretion Intracellular structure of a typical endocrine cell. The process of protein hormone synthesis begins when a hormone or an active metabolite stimulates a receptor in the cell membrane. This leads to the activation of specific molecules of DNA in the nucleus...
is disturbed, built-in regulatory devices respond to the departures to establish a new balance; such a process is one offeedbackcontrol. All processes ofintegrationand coordination of function, whether mediated byelectrical circuitsor bynervousandhormonalsystems, are examples of homeostatic regulation. ...
What is the function of the uterus in human reproduction? What are the functions of the male and female reproductive systems? What is the role of hormones in the female reproductive system? What organs make up the reproductive system for females? What is the role of the cervix in t...
Tissue factor (TF) is an integral membrane protein that is essential to life. It is a component of the factor VIIa-TF complex enzyme and plays a primary role in both normal hemostasis and thrombosis. With a vascular injury, TF becomes exposed to blood an
The negative effects of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) exposure on the testicular function of bull camels are examined in this study. We uncover the bioaccumulation of these toxic metals, which causes subcellular alterations, reduced testes, and altered hormone synthesis, through comprehensive sampling...
In 1990, erosion of cervix, diathermalelectrocoagulation (DEC). General status: General condition: satisfactory, skin and mucous membranes pale pink, respiration vesicular in lungs, no wheezing, BP 80-120, abdomen soft, not distended, without disease in all sections, stool and diuresis within norm...