}// Report the value of the function on all the examples.doublevalue = function.getValue(point); log.info(String.format("Functionvalue on all examples = %g at iteration = %d on pass = %d", value, iter, pass));if(devLoss !=null) {// Report the loss on validation data.doubledevSco...
of Use Test Page – To be deleted Test Page for Scaler Test Page for Scaler Iframe Testimonial landing page Testimonial of Chris Testimonial of D Stroy Testimonial of Golda Testimonial of Haris Testimonial of Jayshree Testimonial of Joy Testimonial of Robert Testimonials Testimonials Thank you for ...
Python SVC.decision_function方法代码示例 本文整理汇总了Python中sklearn.svm.SVC.decision_function方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python SVC.decision_function方法的具体用法?Python SVC.decision_function怎么用?Python SVC.decision_function使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助...
uint64_t yuvScalerParaSetAddr Reserved. This parameter indicates the file path and file name array of the filtering parameter set. NOTE: The parameter set must be on the device. Ensure that the input file path is correct. A parameter set file path consists of an absolute file path on ...
If TRUE, causes the standard output of the remote primary R and Spark job process to be printed to the user console while waiting for (blocking on) a job. autoCleanup logical scalar. If TRUE, the default behavior is to clean up the temporary computational artifacts and delete the result ...
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