KnownRouteType KnownRuntimeName KnownScmType KnownSkuName KnownSupportedTlsVersions KnownTlsCipherSuites KnownTriggerTypes KnownUpgradeAvailability KnownUpgradePreference KnownValidateResourceTypes KnownWorkflowProvisioningState KnownWorkflowSkuName KnownWorkflowState KnownWorkflowStatus KnownWorkflowTriggerProvisi...
After this function is configured, the next hop address of a static route changes with the gateway address. By default, a DHCPv4 client does not obtain routing entries through DHCPv4. Configure the abnormal packet detection function. undo dhcp anti-attack check magic-cookie: configures the de...
Any NFVIS local static route Any route added by user usingsystem routes routecommand Introduced in NFVIS 4.4.1 release - Active-Standby headend VPN responder scenario is supported. You can configure a list of Remote system IP subnets, each of which corresponds to a tunnel IP address on...
函数创建两种方式: function name { command; } name () { command; } 在shell中创建的variable...默认都全局变量,在函数中修改后会影响到variable的值,在函数中的变量前添加 local 关键字可以避免修改主程序中的变量值。...shell将function当做一个mini-script,因此可以用调用脚本的方式来调用函数,在函数中也可...
Run the snmp-agent trap enable feature-name mrm [ trap-name { cacglbchn | cacglbtotal | cacoifchn | cacoiftotal | hwipmcastsgexceed | hwipmcastsgexceedclear | hwipmcastsgthresholdexceed | hwipmcastsgthresholdexceedclear } ] command to enable the Multicast Route Management (...
The table that is identified can contain XML columns; however, the function cannot reference those XML columns. A function with a table parameter can only be invoked from the triggered action of a trigger. array-type-name The data type of the input parameter is a user-defined array type. ...
Table 2-2 Field Definition of Guest Information Tab (Name) FieldDescription Name Surname Last name of the guest. Forename First name of the guest. Middle Initial Middle name of the guest. Other Name Other Last Name. Other First Name Other First Name. Salutation The salutation of the guest....
On output,RouteHandlesreceives an array of handles to routes. Return value If the function succeeds, the return value is NO_ERROR. If the function fails, the return value is one of the following error codes. ValueMeaning ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ...