To address this question, we estimated the regional structure-function relationships using a multilinear regression model that only comprise low-frequency eigenmodes (See Methods). The low-frequency eigenmodes were composed of the first\({K}_{L}\)components in increasing order of eigenvalues (here ...
Results: Compared to HCs, The CBF values of Calcarine_L and Precuneus_R in the T2DM group were lower. The DC value of Paracentral_Lobule_L and Precuneus_L, and the ALFF value of Hippocampus_L in the T2DM group were higher. In addition, the CBF values of Calcarine_L was negatively ...
However, comparisons in women with and without dyslexia did not yield left hemisphere differences, and instead, we found less GMV in right precuneus and paracentral lobule/medial frontal gyrus. In boys, we found less GMV in left inferior parietal cortex (supramarginal/angular gyri), again ...
right inferior parietal marginal angular gyrus, right insula, left inferior temporal gyrus, and left middle temporal gyrus, and significantly lower ALFF values in the left paracentral lobule, left middle frontal gyrus, left superior marginal gyrus, left triangular inferior frontal gyrus, and left insul...
The cluster encompassed parts of the left supplementary motor area, the postcentral and precentral gyri, superior and inferior parietal lobules, and the insula, thalamus and putamen (Fig. 2). The cluster extended medially into the left paracentral lobule and the right paracentral lobule, right ...
The motor strip was identified on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) by using standard anatomical cues, including presence of an “omega sign” in the central sulcus, termination of the superior frontal sulcus into the prefrontal sulcus, and the paracentral lobule located directly anterior to the ...
Preliminary evidence yielded brain volume increase in the medial superior parietal and paracentral lobule, in line with compensatory structural brain changes in areas supporting spatial and sensory body representations. These brain changes were mirrored by patient reports that contemporary dance altered the ...
VBM meta-analysis detected increased GMV in the right superior temporal gyrus (STG) and right paracentral lobule (PCL), while decreased GMV in the left supplementary motor area and left MTG in CS patients. The multi-modal meta-analysis revealed increased GMV together with d...
increasing activation in the left prefrontal area (Brodmann's area 44,46 and the more anterior parts, reaching levels akin to normal brain activation; Fig. 1b, FLD), lessening activation in the right prefrontral area (FRD), and lessening activation in the paramedian paracentral lobule (Brodma...
(Papez and Stotler1940), a more recent study using advanced diffusion signal modeling algorithms failed in replicating these findings, reporting also cortical connectivity patterns restricted to sensorimotor areas such as superior frontal, precentral, postcentral and paracentral gyri (Milardi et al.2016)...