Bioenergetic function is decreased in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of veterans with Gulf War Illnessdoi:10.1371/journal.pone.0287412KANSASMONONUCLEAR leukocytesPERSIAN Gulf syndromeMITOCHONDRIAL DNAMITOCHONDRIABIOLOGICAL weaponsCHEMICAL warfare agents
The term “military engine” refers to an automatic weapon that is no longer used in modern warfare. Examples of dated usage of the word that has survived today include military engineering corps such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The word “engine” itself is pretty old, with its...
The practices of extradition, asylum, recognition and how a treaty may enter into force in a state are unilateral; economic and trade cooperation treaty, dispute settlement, territorial system and so on are mainly bilateral. Multilateral conventions such as theCharter of the United Nationsand theUni...
Network-centric warfare is the operational concept that provides information sharing amongst a large array of networked nodes, including mobile platforms, sensors, space systems, weapons, munitions and war fighters. This information sharing enhances battle space situation awareness, which allows war ...