What is a Light Microscope? In this lesson, find the light microscope definition and function. Read about what a light microscope is used for in...
A light-field microscopy system includes a light-field microscope, and an image processing system configured to receive images from the light-field microscope and perform a hybrid point-spread function (PSF) operation using a hybrid point-spread function that comprises numerical profiles that are ...
In order to capitalize on this ability to address large neural populations in intact nervous systems, high-speed and high-resolution volumetric imaging methods will be required to interact with the intact volumes over large fields-of-view. The approach of light sheet microscopy (LSM; Stelzer, ...
After 14 days, the resulting cell sheets were taken photos by a CDD camera or a light microscope (BX-51, Olympus, Japan). Then cell sheets were harvested using sterile tweezers and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 12 hrs for the following experiments, or stained with ARS (sheets were ...
solution of deionized water, 0.5% Tween 80 surfactant and 10% ethanol. The process is performed under a microscope, and the transfer efficiency can be as high as 100% due to the selective and interactive picking approach. Video microscopy of the collection and transfer of micro-tools is ...
The use of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) backscattering to quantify the precipitation of DAB particles inBienertiatissues proved to be more reproducibly accurate than light microscope or transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images (images not shown). This can be attributed to the limited handling...
Cell apoptosis was measured by counting under a light microscope the number TUNEL positive cells, which represent apoptotic cells and possibly some necrotic cells. At least 10 randomly selected sections from each sample were counted and averaged. Intestinal Absorption and Permeability The lactulose/...
Such effect is at the basis of the recently developed technique Photon Induced Near-field Electron Microscopy (PINEM) [21], which demonstrated the ability of transiently probing near-fields at nanoscale in an electron microscope [22,23,24,25]. In the following, we will adopt the word PINEM ...
The sections were photographed with a Leica DM5000B light microscope. The cell layer of the pseudonectary and lobe areas in the median transverse semi-thin sections was counted directly, and the width of three representative cells in each area was measured using tpsUtil and tpsDIG260. ...
Sections were counter-stained using Mayer’s haematoxylin and visualised using a light microscope. The tensin1 antibodies were validated further using immunoprecipitation and siRNA downregulation (see below). Images of complete tissue sections were collected and tensin1 immunostaining was quantified by a ...