- They are both organs forstatic equilibrium, which maintains the stability of the head and body when they are motionless or during linear (straight) movements. - Both the utricle and saccule have a small area of hair cells called the macula. What is the function of the utricle and saccule?
5.Base upon the examination of stationary and frequce-spectum of this process, the formost quota of function of human-body equilibrium is established. For finding this quota, a method is constructed.在考查过程的平稳性和谱结构基础上,建立起人体平衡功能优,劣指标,并构成了求此指标的方法。 6.Grey...
EQUILIBRIUMVESTIBULAR APPARATUSFirst of all introducing the principles of the strain-gage and also the characteristics of the strain-gage-type instruments hitherto described, two of the instruments specially devised by the authors for the purpose of precise recording of the body movements in human ...
During the conversion process, six images were omitted to allow the signal to attain steady-state equilibrium between radio frequency pulsing and relaxation. Resting-state images were motion corrected using SPM8. Trials with linear motion that had a displacement more than 2 mm or rotation more ...
20种氨基酸的功能(The function of 20 amino acids)Effects of amino acids on human body Glycine (GLY)1, reduce blood cholesterol levels, prevention and treatment of hypertension 2, reduce blood sugar levels, prevention and treatment of diabetes 3, can prevent blood clots, thrombosis 4, improve ...
This is because the vestibular system consists of several key cavities, such as the one found in the ear. The vestibular system consists of several organs and structures that have important functions for maintaining equilibrium in the body. The structures of the vestibular system, showing the ...
Decreased activity of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K)/Akt pathway, along with heightened expression of mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways, which are characteristic of IR, disrupts the equilibrium between these signaling pathways. This disruption leads to endothelial dysfunction, decreased ...
there are many methods to measure and judge equilibrium function of cerebral apoplexy. 对脑卒中平衡功能障碍进行测评的方法较多,归纳起来可分为传统观察法、量表评定法、定量姿势图即平衡测试仪评定法三大类,分述了各自的优势与不足,供临床工作者针对患者情况选择应用。 3. Objective: To study the curative ...
The kidneys participate in water and salt homeostasis; that is, they help maintain a constant concentration of osmotically active substances in internal fluids, the constant volume and ionic composition of these fluids, and acid-base equilibrium. They excrete the end products of nitrogen metabolism, ...
Clinical Analysis of the Characters of Posturography in Patients with Sudden Deafness; 方法采用人体姿态平衡仪,测试100例正常人和120例突聋患者重心晃动的轨迹图及相关参数值。3) Body posture balance 人体姿态平衡4) Human dynamic posture equilibrium 人体动态姿态平衡5...