public String runtime() Gets the name of the language runtime. Returns: the name of the language runtimetoString public String toString() Overrides: FunctionRuntimeStack.toString() version public String version() Gets the version of the Language runtime. Returns: the version of the Language ru...
An instance of FunctionEnvelopeProperties if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of it, or null if it was pointing to JSON null. Throws: IOException - If an error occurs while reading the FunctionEnvelopeProperties. functionAppId public String functionAppId() Get the functionAppId property...
The IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack routine attaches the caller's device object to the highest device object in the chain and returns a pointer to the previously highest device object.
The IoAllocateMdl routine allocates a memory descriptor list (MDL) large enough to map a buffer, given the buffer's starting address and length. Optionally, this routine associates the MDL with an IRP.
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A pointer to a ULONG to receive the size of the property information that is returned at Data. If IoGetDevicePropertyData returns STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, the caller can use this value to allocate a buffer of the correct size.[out] Type...
A pointer to a ULONG to receive the size of the property information that is returned at Data. If IoGetDevicePropertyData returns STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, the caller can use this value to allocate a buffer of the correct size.[out] Type...
To support visualization of data, theMATLAB Functionblock supports calls to MATLAB functions for simulation only. SeeUse MATLAB Engine to Execute a Function Call in MATLAB Function Blocks. If you generate code usingSimulink Coder, the calls do not appear in the generated code if the function call...
IoSetDevicePropertyData function IoSetIoPriorityHint function IoSetLinkShareAccess function IoSetNextIrpStackLocation function IoSetShareAccess function IoSetShareAccessEx function IoSetStartIoAttributes function IoSizeOfIrp macro IoSizeofWorkItem function IoStartNextPacket function IoStartNextPacketByKey function...
To support visualization of data, theMATLAB Functionblock supports calls to MATLAB functions for simulation only. SeeUse MATLAB Engine to Execute a Function Call in MATLAB Function Blocks. If you generate code usingSimulink Coder, the calls do not appear in the generated code if the function call...