To use the name as a function call in an expression, there must be no whitespace between the name and the following(parenthesis character. Conversely, to use the function name as an identifier, it must not be followed immediately by a parenthesis. ...
Applications must use this name in CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements. DATA_TYPE (ODBC 2.0) 2 Smallint not NULL SQL data type. This can be an ODBC SQL data type or a driver-specific SQL data type. For datetime or interval data types, this column returns the concise data type (...
config profile charging charging_profile_name [ default | no ] session failover exit NOTES: profile charging charging_profile_name : Specify the charging profile name. charging_profile_name must be an alphanumeric string. default session failover : Configures this...
The function name, which must begin with a letter or underscore and can't contain spaces. In general, leading underscores in the Standard Library function names indicate private member functions, or non-member functions that aren't intended for use by your code. ...
The name parameter specifies a unique name for the filter. If a filter with the specified name already exists, it will be replaced.Names beginning with magnus- or server- are reserved by the server.The order parameter indicates the position of the filter in the filter stack by specifying ...
Exception: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'module_name'. This error occurs when a Python function app fails to load a Python module. The root cause for this error is one of the following issues: The package can't be found
Conversely, to use the function name as an identifier, it must not be followed immediately by a parenthesis. The requirement that function calls be written with no whitespace between the name and the parenthesis applies only to the built-in functions that have special considerations.COUNTis one su...
The compiler saw the function name and treated it as pointer to function returning T. writing ("= isr_edma_tcc;") would achieve the result of taking the address of the function. However the expression was "=&isr_edma_tcc();", and thus the c...
char * strtok2(char *str, const char *delim) { static char *nxt; /* static variable used to advance the string to replace delimiters */ static int size; /* static variable used to count until the end of the string */ /* IMPORTANT: any advance to 'nxt' must be followed by a dim...
configure context context_name sgw-service service_name [ no ] ddn throttle arp-watermark arp_value end NOTES: arp-value: Valid ARP value between 1 and 15. All the packets which have ARP greater than the configured values will be throttled as per ...