1. 解释mcrypt_encrypt()函数为何被弃用mcrypt_encrypt()函数是PHP中用于加密数据的函数,它基于mcrypt库。然而,由于mcrypt库已经过时且存在安全漏洞,PHP官方从PHP 7.1.0版本开始废弃了mcrypt扩展,并在PHP 7.2.0版本中完全移除了它。这意味着在新版本的PHP中,mcrypt_encrypt()函数...
The function mcrypt_encrypt is deprecated in PHP7.1. It is used in Crevillo/Payum/Redsys/Api.php line 171. I'm not sure how it should be replaced. I think it should be replaced by openssl_encrypt(). But I'm not sure if it will affect in ...
The error you are receiving is that the constant MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 does not exist. That constant is provided by the mcrypt library, which I assume you have either disabled or not installed on that test domain. DJM Members 45 PostedDecember 4, 2018(edited) Yep@bellini13it's...
mcrypt_get_block_size — 获得加密算法的分组大小 Warning This function has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 7.1.0. Relying on this function is highly discouraged. 在php7中需要openssl替代,这里需要注意的是: 在mcrypt中对加密key长度没有限制要求,传入多少长度都会参加加密,但是在openssl_encrypt中。key长度只能是...
mcrypt_module_close($td); return $this->strippadding($str); }*/ public function encrypt($input) { $data = openssl_encrypt($input, 'AES-256-CBC', $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $this->hexToStr($this->hex_iv)); $data = base64_encode($data); ...
Mcrypt is deprecated, what is the alternative?, The mcrypt-extension is deprecated will be removed in PHP 7.2 according to the comment posted here. So I am looking for an alternative way to encrypt … Tags: call to undefined function mcryptdownload and install the php mcrypt extension under ...
mcrypt_module_close($module); // print(base64_encode($encrypted)); //使用BASE64对加密后的字符串进行编码 returnarray(ErrorCode::$OK,base64_encode($encrypted)); }catch(Exception$e) { //print $e; returnarray(ErrorCode::$EncryptAESError,null); ...
nginx 提示the "ssl" directive is deprecated, use the "listen ... ssl" directive instead 2019-12-04 21:47 −该问题是由于新版nginx采用新的方式进行监听https请求了 解决方式: 1.在listen中改为 listen 443 ssl; 2.删除ssl配置 # ssl on; 完美解决: 解决完成前后的配置如下 解决前: server { list...
is already running or crashed phpstudy配置laravel项目时报错FatalErrorException in Encrypter.php line 100: Call to undefined function openssl_decrypt() MySQL的命令模式中只能识别“utf8”,不能识别“utf-8” Linux下Redis设置密码及开机自启动 Call to undefined function openssl_decrypt() Ubuntu sudo: pip...
Hi, after a (seemingly) successful install, I'm getting this error: 'Function mcrypt_get_iv_size() is deprecated' Steps to reproduce: Successfully installed Asgard locally with Composer following docs and tried to access /public Operatin...