To disable the function keys on your HP laptop, press thepower buttonfor 5 secondsto turn it off. Turn it on again and press the“F10” keymultiple times toenter BIOS. Open the“System Configuration” menuand click“Action Keys Mode”. Choose“Disabled”and pressEnter. Hit the“F10” keyt...
I need to make the most of the small screen and I am trying to emulate the way I work on my Windows desktop with three large screens, where I have Photoshop Actions that set my most used workspaces, and resets them. I trigger my primary workspace with F5 on the P...
I updated the to the latest drivers (18.8.1) and it has broken my brightness function keys on my laptop keyboard i mean naturally i adjust my brightness myself and my screen is no stuck at 100% which is annoyingly bright and irritating to my eyes any help would be nice as without ...
Keyboard Issues, LEFT SHIFT + LEFT CTRL + L/R ARROW doesn't work on travelmate P645-S windows10 Recently i am facing issues with my laptop. Key combinations doesn't work especially with SHIFT. List of combinations (Not working) : LEFT SHIFT + LEFT CTRL + LEFT ARROW LEFT SHIFT + ...
Hello everyone I have an urgent question that I couldn't find an answer toI am trying to use 2 IF statements at the same time, each one contains if true...
DirectX function "GetDeviceRemoved Reason" failed with DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET ("The device failed due to a badly formed command. This is a run-time issue: The application should destroy and recreate the device."). GPU: "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4050 Laptop GPU". Driver: 55612. This error i...
key because it provides a way to escape or exit from a process or operation that is running or has become stuck. the term "escape hatch" is often used to refer to emergency exits on airplanes or other vehicles, which provide a way to escape in case of an emergency. in a similar way...
Hello all, I'm taking a intro to underwriting course and I'm stuck on the Index and Match function This is the same exact formula that shown in the course but for some reason my excel does n... dmireles You're missing a comma before the second match. Also, Excel is not always co...
When you press theEnterkey to complete the formula, Excel will output the first found name in D2 spilling the other names into the cells below. As the result, you have all the unique values in a column: In case your data is across the columns from B2 to I2, set the 2ndargument to...
Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey 'The network path was not found.' [PowerShell] Disable File and Print Sharing on Public and Private Network Category [powershell] Help Deleting Rows in an excel document [PowerShell] How to change Windows ...