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If TRUE and if cube is FALSE and if constant term is included in the formula, then the variance-covariance matrix of the data is returned. Use the rxCovData function to obtain these data. coefLabelStyle character string specifying the coefficient label style. The default is "Revo". If "R...
def_smooth_l1_loss(self,bbox_pred,bbox_targets,bbox_inside_weights,bbox_outside_weights,sigma=1.0,dim=[1]):sigma_2=sigma**2box_diff=bbox_pred-bbox_targets in_box_diff=bbox_inside_weights*box_diff abs_in_box_diff=tf.abs(in_box_diff)smoothL1_sign=tf.stop_gradient(tf.to_float(t...
Gavioli R, Kurilla MG, de Campos Lima PO et al. Multiple HLA All-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte epitopes of different immunogenicities in the Epstein-Barr virus-encoded nuclear antigen 4. J Virol 1993; 67: 1572–8. Google Scholar Couillin I, Connan F, Culmann Penciolelli B et al....
Dim n%, a%, b%, i%, x%,r%n = InputBox("请输入随机整数的个数n")a = InputBox("请输入取值范围的下限a")b = InputBox("请输入取值范围的上限b")For i = 1 To nr = sj(x, a, b)Print rNext iEnd Sub注意变量的适用范围,sj 里的 x 和 Command1_Click 的 x 不是同一个变量,...
If TRUE and if cube is FALSE and if constant term is included in the formula, then the variance-covariance matrix of the data is returned. Use the rxCovData function to obtain these data.coefLabelStylecharacter string specifying the coefficient label style. The default is "Revo". If "R",...
For example, assume classCinitializes some data in its constructor, and returns a copy of that data in member functionget_data(). If an object of typeCis an rvalue that's about to be destroyed, then the compiler chooses theget_data() &&overload, which moves instead of copies the ...
Then you can give the parametrization in terms of arc length. For example, find an analytic expression for the arc length by using Symbolic Math Toolbox™. Get syms t real r = 2*(1+cos(t)); x = r*cos(t); y = r*sin(t); arcl = simplify(sqrt(diff(x)^2+diff(y)^2));...
\zeta_L(s)=\prod_{\chi \in \hat G }^{}L(s,\chi) 再取K=Q,我们得到任何一个Q的有限Abel扩域的zeta function都可以分解成Dirichlet L function,再比较两边在s=1处留数,可以得到Abel类数公式,比较函数方程,可以得到L的判别式等于所有特征标的导子的乘积(conductor formula). 我们知道L(s,\chi),...