sceList=lapply(samples,function(pro){# pro=samples[1]print(pro)tmp=Read10X(file.path(dir,pro))if(length(tmp)==2){ct=tmp[[1]]}else{ct=tmp}sce=CreateSeuratObject(counts=ct,project=pro,min.cells=5,min.features=300)return(sce)}),lapply(sceList,dim)) 正好复习R语言基础的...
在Excel内部打开VBA 以及在运行之前需要开启一下家开发人员的安全性 打开的页面可能是这样,不要慌 可以...
If TRUE and if cube is FALSE and if constant term is included in the formula, then the variance-covariance matrix of the data is returned. Use the rxCovData function to obtain these data. coefLabelStyle character string specifying the coefficient label style. The default is "Revo". If "R...
\zeta_L(s)=\prod_{\chi \in \hat G }^{}L(s,\chi) 再取K=Q,我们得到任何一个Q的有限Abel扩域的zeta function都可以分解成Dirichlet L function,再比较两边在s=1处留数,可以得到Abel类数公式,比较函数方程,可以得到L的判别式等于所有特征标的导子的乘积(conductor formula). 我们知道L(s,\chi),...
Dim n%, a%, b%, i%, x%,r%n = InputBox("请输入随机整数的个数n")a = InputBox("请输入取值范围的下限a")b = InputBox("请输入取值范围的上限b")For i = 1 To nr = sj(x, a, b)Print rNext iEnd Sub注意变量的适用范围,sj 里的 x 和 Command1_Click 的 x 不是同一个变量,...
For example, assume classCinitializes some data in its constructor, and returns a copy of that data in member functionget_data(). If an object of typeCis an rvalue that's about to be destroyed, then the compiler chooses theget_data() &&overload, which moves instead of copies the ...
Aij = actual frequency in the i-th row, j-th column Eij = expected frequency in the i-th row, j-th column r = number or rows c = number of columns A low value of χ2 is an indicator of independence. As can be seen from the formula, χ2 is always positive or 0, and is 0...
🐛 Describe the bug The current implementation of torch.autograd.profiler.record_function within the __next__ method of DataLoader's _BaseDataLoaderIter class introduces noticeable performance overhead during iteration, especially in scen...
Minimum timer resolution, in milliseconds, for the application or device driver. A lower value specifies a higher (more accurate) resolution. Return value ReturnsTIMERR_NOERRORif successful orTIMERR_NOCANDOif the resolution specified inuPeriodis out of range. ...