In the above example, the functionadd_numbers()takes two parameters:aandb. Notice the line, add_numbers(2,3) Here,add_numbers(2, 3)specifies that parametersaandbwill get values2and3respectively. Function Argument with Default Values In Python, we can provide default values to function argument...
-- Create a permanent function with parameters. > CREATE FUNCTION area(x DOUBLE, y DOUBLE) RETURNS DOUBLE RETURN x * y; -- Use a SQL function in the SELECT clause of a query. > SELECT area(c1, c2) AS area FROM t; 0.0 2.0 -- Use a SQL function in the WHERE clause of a query...
-- Create a permanent function with parameters. > CREATE FUNCTION area(x DOUBLE, y DOUBLE) RETURNS DOUBLE RETURN x * y; -- Use a SQL function in the SELECT clause of a query. > SELECT area(c1, c2) AS area FROM t; 0.0 2.0 -- Use a SQL function in the WHERE claus...
model = MLP(x.shape[1]) optimizer = Adam(model.parameters()) for epoch in range(1, 201): model.train() pred_prob = model(x, alpha0, alpha1).view(-1) loss = bce_loss_func(pred_prob, y) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() model.eval() with torch.no_grad(...
The backend in torch.distributed.init_process_group set to hccl now.. The torch.cuda.* and torch.cuda.amp.* are replaced with torch.npu.* and torch.npu.amp.* now.. The device parameters have been replaced with npu in the function below: torch.logspace, torch.randint, torch.hann_...
Q1. Does the lower case function lower() in Python take any parameters? No, the lower() function acts on a string and does not take any parameters. Q2. What does the lower() function in Python return? Python’s lower() function returns the original string converted to all lowercase. Q3...
', tools=[ { 'type': 'function', 'function': { 'name': '最佳实践查询', 'description': '返回assistant-api相关的最佳实践代码链接', 'parameters': { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'user_id': { 'type': 'str', 'description': '用户id' }, }, 'required': ['user_id']}, ...
","parameters":{"type":"object","properties":{"input_json":{"type":"string","description":"执行计算年龄总和的数据集"},},"required":["input_json"],},} # 4. 添加到functions列表中,在对话过程中作为函数库传递给function参数functions=[calculate_total_age_describe]...
"parameters": { "type": "object", "properties": { "query": { "type": "string", "description": "The query to use in the search. Infer this from the user's message. It should be a question or a statement", } }, "required": ["query"], ...
(model.parameters())forepochinrange(1,201):model.train()pred_prob=model(x,alpha0,alpha1).view(-1)loss=bce_loss_func(pred_prob,y)optimizer.zero_grad()loss.backward()optimizer.step()model.eval()withtorch.no_grad():pred_prob=model(x)print('epoch: {}, accuracy: {}'.format(epoch,...