SQLGetFunctionsreturns information about whether a driver supports a specific ODBC function. This function is implemented in the Driver Manager; it can also be implemented in drivers. If a driver implementsSQLGetFunctions, the Driver Manager calls the function in the driver. Otherwise, it executes th...
SQLNativeSql returns the SQL string as modified by the driver. SQLNativeSql does not execute the SQL statement.SyntaxC++ Copy SQLRETURN SQLNativeSql( SQLHDBC ConnectionHandle, SQLCHAR * InStatementText, SQLINTEGER TextLength1, SQLCHAR * OutStatementText, SQLINTEGER BufferLength, SQLINTEGER * ...
(从 SqlSmoObject 继承。) Name Gets or sets the name of the object. (从 NamedSmoObject 继承。) NumberOfPartitions Gets the number of partitions. ObjectInSpace 获取Boolean 属性值,该值指定对象是否单独存在,或者对象是否直接或间接连接到 SQL Server 的实例。 (从 SqlSmoObject 继承。) Parent Gets ...
syntaxsql 複製 <order_clause> ::= { <column_name_in_clr_table_type_definition> [ ASC | DESC ] } [ , ...n ] <method_specifier> ::= assembly_name.class_name.method_name <clr_function_option> ::= { [ RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT | CALLED ON NULL INPUT ] | [ EXECUTE_AS_...
SQL DECLARE@SamplesPathNVARCHAR(1024);-- You may have to modify the value of this variable if you have-- installed the sample in a location other than the default location.SELECT@SamplesPath =REPLACE(physical_name,'Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\master.mdf','Microsoft ...
This command is in preview and under development. Reference and support levels: https://aka.ms/CLI_refstatusDeploys a provided artifact to Azure functionapp.Azure CLI Копіювати az functionapp deploy [--async {false, true}] [--clean {false, true}] [--ids] [--ignore-...
適用於:SQL Server Azure SQL 資料庫 Azure SQL 受控執行個體藉由分割或合併資料分割函數的界限值來變更資料分割函數。 執行 ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION 陳述式,可將一個使用資料分割函數的資料表或索引分割區分割為兩個分割區。 此陳述式也可以將兩個分割區合併成一個分割區。警告...
This is basically what I want to do but with more sensitive information that I don't want to post here. So I have different sections that I want th information in F to be in but I need to alter F as I get more/new info so I would like if Side A and Side B automatically update...
An application should not use a handle after it has been freed; the Driver Manager does not check the validity of a handle in a function call.Freeing an Environment HandleBefore it calls SQLFreeHandle with a HandleType of SQL_HANDLE_ENV, an application must call SQLFreeHandle with a Handle...
[Input] Length of the *DriverAttributesbuffer, in characters. If the*DriverDescriptionvalue is a Unicode string (when callingSQLDriversW), theBufferLengthargument must be an even number. AttributesLengthPtr [Output] Pointer to a buffer in which to return the total number of bytes (excluding the...