I had a Azure Function (v2) that was working. Now I am getting a Function host is not running. On Azure portal, I also got this error Error: Unauthorized - https:// NNNNNNNNNNN .azurewebsites.net/admin/host/systemkeys/_master Session Id: a784a3fdf6f44449a2d40fe3713a1699 Timestamp: ...
Azure Function部署后未执行,查看日志发现错误信息: 2023-12-19T11:12:27.145 [Verbose] Host configuration applied. 2023-12-19T11:12:27.237 [Info] Starting Host (HostId=funapp-xxx-dev, Version=1.0.20776.0, InstanceId=xxx-x-xx-x-xxx, ProcessId=7924, AppDomainId=2, Debug=True, ConsecutiveErrors...
在使用Terraform创建Function App 后,部署函数时候遇见 ServiceUnavailable (Bad Request -- Encountered an error (ServiceUnavailable) from host runtime.) 问题。 查看Function App的高级工具(Kudu)站点和默认站点,均出现 Application Error页面。 问题解答 查看Function App的Azure管理页面,有提示错误消息“ Configure ...
Using psycopg2 in Azure Functions : iotespresso.com/using-p psycopg2 is not a standalone package. It is built using libpq-dev package, during installation. Now, psycopg2 depends on the host OS to find this library. And Azure Functions don’t have libpq, as the error above clearly indicates...
Hello,@Abhijit Jadhav (INFOSYS LIMITED)- This is likely a minor configuration problem due to a mismatch of bitness between the functions host process vs (a) assemblies being loaded (b) reference to installed dotnet (c) and OS version. A few things to verify are as follows: ...
Ensure that the functions are not running any intensive task on a consumption plan. This may cause it hit other restrictions which are described above. 3. If the settings inside Function.json or Host.json is misspelled or if there is any additional character, then th...
Using psycopg2 in Azure Functions:https://iotespresso.com/using-psycopg2-in-azure-functions/ psycopg2 is not a standalone package. It is built using libpq-dev package, during installation. Now, psycopg2 depends on the host OS to find this library. And Azure Functions don’t have libpq, as ...
**Using psycopg2 in Azure Functions **:https://iotespresso.com/using-psycopg2-in-azure-functions/ psycopg2 is not a standalone package. It is built using libpq-dev package, during installation. Now, psycopg2 depends on the host OS to find this library. And Azure Functions don’t have libpq...
byusing Azure Functions Core Toolslocally. If you can't use extension bundles and are only able to work in the portal, you need to useAdvanced Tools (Kudu)to manually create the extensions.csproj file directly in the site. Make sure to first remove theextensionBundleelement from thehost....
Similar to this if you have functions property in host.json which describes a list of functions that the job host runs (An empty array means run all functions.) and you are calling a function which is not listed inside this will result in 404 error. {"functions": [ ...