(or SJF) CPU Scheduling Python Program Zig-Zag Traversal of Binary Tree in Python Count occurrences of items in Python List Largest Rectangle Hackerrank Solution in Python Unemployment Data Analysis using Python Binary Search Tree in Python Classes and Objects in Python Jump Statement in Python-...
(or SJF) CPU Scheduling Python Program Zig-Zag Traversal of Binary Tree in Python Count occurrences of items in Python List Largest Rectangle Hackerrank Solution in Python Unemployment Data Analysis using Python Binary Search Tree in Python Classes and Objects in Python Jump Statement in Python-...
In [10], Zinovieva et al. conducted a comparative analysis of various online platforms used for programming instruction. The study focused on selecting engaging assignments from the educational website hackerrank.com. The goal was to identify the key features of different online platforms suitable fo...
开发者ID:sbani,项目名称:hackerrank,代码行数:7,代码来源:solution.go 示例12: main ▲点赞 1▼ funcmain(){varkintfmt.Scan(&k) c :=make([]int64, k)fori :=0; i < k; i++ { fmt.Scan(&c[i])ifi >0{ c[i] += c[i-1] } }varm = c[k-1] fact :=make([]int64, c[k-1]...
inmatdb_df =read_csv('mpworks/check_snl/results/bad_snlgroups_2_in_matdb.csv') inmatdb_text = map(','.join, zip( inmatdb_df['task_id 1'], inmatdb_df['task_id 2'] )) inmatdb_trace = Scatter( x=inmatdb_df['sg_num 2'].as_matrix(), y=inmatdb_df['sg_num 1']...
開發者ID:ocanbascil,項目名稱:hackerrank-machine-learning,代碼行數:11,代碼來源:solution.py 示例13: main ▲點讚 1▼ defmain():# get the processed dataX,y = preprocess_data()# get the dummy clf: Very important, it creates a baseline!dummy_clf = get_dummy_clf() ...
开发者ID:salvador-dali,项目名称:hackerrank_ai,代码行数:26,代码来源:p_7_rubiks_cube_investigation.py 示例12: main ▲点赞 1▼ defmain():train, test, word2idx = get_ptb_data()fortintrain: add_idx_to_tree(t,0) train = [tree2list(t,-1,True)fortintrain] ...
blocks[i][1] += c%md blocks[i][2] += d%md 开发者ID:afourast,项目名称:hackerrank,代码行数:7,代码来源:solve.py 示例2: find_source ▲点赞 7▼ deffind_source(sourcemap_index, lineno, colno):""" Given a SourceMapIndex and a transformed lineno/colno position, ...
开发者ID:esix,项目名称:competitive-programming,代码行数:25,代码来源:solution.go 示例4: setflag ▲点赞 2▼ funcsetflag(c io.ReadWriteCloser){deferc.Close()varflag_idstringfmt.Fprintln(c,"room_id: ") _, err := fmt.Fscanln(c, &flag_id)iferr !=nil{return}varcookiestringfmt.Fprintln...