SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, goto tcode se37 and select in the menu as GOTO->FUNCTION GROUPS->DISPLAY window will come there u can enter the function group name.then in the next screen click on main program button.then activate that program and L<fun grp name>TOP...
205 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, You can create a function as below : In the Menu bar Goto - SE37 >Goto> Function Groups --> Create Group. Or SE80 --> create function group. Thank, Sri. Reply Former Member 2007 Nov 23 8:59 AM ...
Function支持远程访问模式,即提供接口供SAP程序使用(如VB,.NET,JAVA等),通常称为RFC(Remote Function Call). Function Modules * 函数是和程序无关的,它不能直接创建在程序里并直接调用它。 任何一个函数都属于某Function Group,并可以被任何程序所调用。 * 函数的执行异常可以通过抛出一个Exception来返回给SY-SUBR...
0 Kudos 4,592 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello, there is a Function Module I would like call that via Transaction Code. How can I create tcode for a function module. Regards sasReply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Former Member 2009 Mar 20 2:03 PM 0 Kudos 721 SAP Managed ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, FUNCTION GROUP: - It is a container of user-defined function modules. Function modules created should be specified a function group, where it can be accessed globally then. To create a function group, use following navigations: SE80 -> Select Function...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi! A very simple question: What is the Tcode for the execution of function module? (Se38,???) I have to execute the function module RRSI_INITIAL_LINE_INSERT with import parameter I_CHABASNM = 0REQUID. Thank you very much! regards ThomReply...
performclose_group. performclose_datasetusing dataset. "---如下部分为在创建函数时做参考END 1. 1、T-CODE:SE37,创建函数“Z_BAPI_LT01”,如图1.3-1和1.3-2: 图1.3-1 图1.3-2 2、图1.3-2中点击“保存”,进入函数构建器界面,在导入页签中,添加传入的参数,如图1.3-3: 图1.3-3 注意: a、缺省值部...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello Vijay, U can do it in Tcode SE80. Click on Edit Object and select the Tab. GIve the name and press copy button and give theZFG name. If useful reward, Vasanth Reply Former...
2.Message server 目标系统的消息服务器 T-CODE RZ03 Service 栏中带有”M”字符的 为消息服务器 3.Group 服务器组 Tcode SMLG 可以查看 4.Target host (目标系统的主机或IP地址) SM51 中的HOST name字段 5.System number(目标系统的系统编号)
To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax: JSON { "Type" : "AWS::CloudFront::Function", "Properties" : { "AutoPublish" : Boolean, "FunctionCode" : String, "FunctionConfig" : FunctionConfig, "FunctionMetadata" : FunctionMetadata, "Name" : String ...