Part of R Language Collective 0 I am currently writing a function which ultimately returns a ggplot. I would like to offer the user the option to change different aspects of that ggplot, such as the xlab by specifying it in the function. Right now I am using a code ...
pg <- ggplot(dd) + geom_density(aes(x=Predicted_value)) + facet_wrap(~State_CD) print(pg) 一切都很好,并产生了一个很好的数据三面板图。如何在顶部添加法线dist?看来我会使用stat_function,但是失败了: #this fails pg <- ggplot(dd) + geom_density(aes(x=Predicted_value)) + stat_function(f...
bind_rows(data1, data2, .id = Variable) 像rbind(),但能作用于数据框 ggplot2 ggplot(data, mapping = aes(x = variable1, y = variable2)) 设置绘图区域 geom_point(aes(alpha = number, color, fill, shape, size)) 散点图。alpha透明度 geom_jitter(aes(width = number, height = number)) ...
class Animal(object): # 类对象 age = 0 # 公有类属性 __like = None # 私有...
rfunctionrfunction参数设定 文章目录Tidyversedplyrggplot2gganimateknitr & [kableExtra]基础包们moderndiveinferjanitorsjPlotGGallyMASSplotlybroomellipse Tidyverse dplyr glimpse(data) 查看数据变量类型及前几个值summarize(data, Variable =function(d r function ...
return(expression)} 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 printLine<-function(){print("---");}#函数的调用printLine();#错误:无参函数,有参调用printLine("parameter");printNLines<-function(n){for(iin1:n){print("---");}}#错误:有参函数,无参调用printNLines()printN...
Draw ggplot2 Plot with Different Background Colors by Region Important Commands in R (Examples) R Programming TutorialsThis post has shown how to set the clipping region of a graph using the clip() function in the R programming language. Please let me know in the comments, if you have any...
In this R tutorial you’ll learn how to create a plot showing the curve of a user-defined function.The article will contain the following content:1) Example Function 2) Example 1: Plotting Function Curve Using Base R 3) Example 2: Plotting Function Curve Using ggplot2 Package 4) ...