This is the highly recommended and praised Function Generator App - an amazingly great and powerful tone generator. Enriched with a vast amount of features yet…
Mac Audio Toolbox is an audio function generator for the Macintosh. Using no additional hardware, you can produce sine, square, triangle, and sawtooth waveforms of any frequency up to 22 kHz, as well as generate noise - both pink and white. iPhone/iPod owners, be sure to check outiFunGe...
var koa = require('koa'); var app = koa(); var router = require('koa-router')(); app.use(router.routes()); app.use(router.allowedMethods()); assert.js:89 throw new assert.AssertionError({ ^ AssertionError: app.use() requires a generator ...
This is the highly recommended and praised Function Generator App - an amazingly great and powerful tone generator. Enriched with a vast amount of features yet…
iFunctionGenerator turns your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch into an audio function generator. You can have up to 20 generators, each operating at a different frequency. Each generator can be one of the following types: • Sine Wave
app.use(controller.get('/route_test',function*(){ this.set('Cache-Control','no-cache'); this.body = 'hello koa'; })); app.listen(3002); console.log('koa server is started'); node app.js有以下错误 package.json中安装依赖为 1 2 3 4 "devDependencies": { "koa": "^1.2.1", "...
关于“app.use() requires a generator function”的说法,实际上,app.use()并不直接要求中间件必须是一个生成器函数(generator function),而是一个普通的函数。不过,你可以使用生成器函数作为中间件,但这需要一些额外的处理,因为Express.js本身并不直接支持生成器函数作为中间件。 下面我将详细解释如何理解app.use(...
NSGlyphGenerator NSGlyphInfo NSGlyphInscription NSGlyphProperty NSGlyphStorageOptions NSGradient NSGradientDrawingOptions NSGradientType NSGraphics NSGraphicsContext NSGridCell NSGridCellPlacement NSGridColumn NSGridRow NSGridRowAlignment NSGridView NSGroupTouchBarItem NSHapticFeedbackManager NSHapticFeedbackPattern...
Enter in the frequency for each generator, and select the generator type. The blank generator type turns off that generator, if you don't wish to use it. The left and right volumes may be independently set using sliders, or the volume (as a percentage ranging from 0 to 100) may be di...