This function may be called multiple times, but will not attempt to remount device partitions that it has already mounted. Once a device partition has been mounted by this function, unmounts and remounts must be handled by the application. Even though this function may be called multiple times...
dyStringPrintf(dy,"select id from vgPrb ""where taxon=%d and type='%s' and tName='%s' and state='new'",taxon,type,name); oldProbe = sqlQuickNum(conn,dy->string);if(oldProbe==0)break;/* no more records match *//* record exists and hasn't already been updated */intvgPrb = ...
defined(WINCE)WSAAsyncSelect(sock->id,NULL,0, FD_CLOSE);#endifshutdown(sock->id, SD_BOTH );#ifdefined WINCE{intnRet =1;charachDiscard[256];while(nRet && (nRet != SOCKET_ERROR)){if(nRet>0) { achDiscard[nRet]=(char)0;#ifdefined DEBUG_SOCKETprintf("DUMMY READ WHILE CLOSING SOCKET...
*/fputc('\n',stderr); system("head "TEST_FILE"*; rm -f "TEST_FILE"*");freopen(syslog_file,"r",stdin);fprintf(stderr,"\n==> %s <==\n", syslog_file); system("tail -2"); fputc('\n',stderr); isc_log_destroy(&lctx);if(show_final_mem) isc_mem_stats(mctx,stderr);re...