long f(); The presence of empty parentheses is what distinguishes a function declaration from a function prototype. While a prototype declares the function, it also encompasses a declaration. In a prototype, the parentheses always contain information about the number and types of parameters that the...
|SUM([DISTINCT | ALL] <value exp>) | AVG([DISTINCT | ALL] <value exp>) |COUNT([DISTINCT | ALL] [<value exp> | *]) There are no great surprises here. The window that is constructed acts as if it were a group to which the aggregate function is applied. ...
Although not explicitly declared, there is a single logical All position at the top of every hierarchy. When considering non-conformity, any measure that is not dimensioned on a hierarchy, is implicitly assumed to be dimensioned on the All level of that hierarchy, and thus all data values are...
The hyperbolic-tangent-like normalization is further used to normalize the raw EC score to be between 0 and 1:(4)QAUSTECnorm=21+exp(-QAUSTEC)-1 GO term prediction For GO term prediction, we combine three different predictors. Each one of these predictors generates a confidence score. The ...