函数声明原型(Function Prototype Declaration)在C语言中,主要指的是在函数定义之前,使用函数原型(也称为函数声明)来提前声明函数的存在、返回类型、以及它接受的参数类型。这是C语言标准(特别是C89/ANSI C标准)推荐的做法,以提高代码的可读性、可维护性和类型安全性。函数原型不是函数的完整定义,但它告诉编译器关于...
function declaration isn't a prototype解决办法,对以上程序,在编译驱动的时候会出现以下warning:在网上查到解决办法是:即使函数括号内没有任何参数,也要加一个void类型,来避免这种warning:解决如下:
Q: function declaration isn't a prototype A: http://hi.baidu.com/%D4%BC%D0%DE%D1%C7ing/blog/item/d5f86a0f598b47c27acbe138.html static void cut_mode(void) 如果写成static void cut_mode() 就会有警告function declaration isn't a prototype...
"warning: function declaration isn't a prototype" was caused by the function like that: return_type XXX() { ... } Please just modify the input paramter to void.return_type XXX(void) { ... } Or turn off the warning with -Wno-strict-prototypes (or simply by omitting -Wstrict-prototype...
A function declaration precedes the function definition and specifies the name, return type, storage class, and other attributes of a function. To be a prototype, the function declaration must also establish types and identifiers for the function's arguments....
function declaration isn't a prototype解决办法,即使函数括号内没有任何参数,也要加一个void类型,来避免这种warning:解决如下:
Linux编译报错: error: function declaration isn’t a prototype [-Werror=strict-prototypes] uint32_t sysctl_get_p() 原因:之前用的arm4.4.3编译链没报错,后面用的gcc-linaro6.5.0
A function declaration precedes the function definition and specifies the name, return type, storage class, and other attributes of a function. To be a prototype, the function declaration must also establish types and identifiers for the function's arguments. ...
error: function declaration isn’t a prototype [-Werror=strict-prototypes] 2015-05-27 10:47 −... 层林尽染 0 934 +function ($) { "use strict";}(window.jQuery);全面分析 2016-07-12 16:49 −+function ($) { "use strict"; }(window.jQuery); 怎么理解? 匿名函数闭包 我们先来理一...
这句:#include<avr/delay.h> 改成:#include<util/delay.h> 剩下一个警告:# warning "F_CPU not defined for <util/delay.h>"不用理会。因为F_CPU 在接下来的语句里已经定义了。所以:你的编译出现的问题可能是编译器的问题。或者程序放在有汉字写的文件夹里了。重新安装WINAVR和AVRSTUDIO,...