Stored Procedures cannot be used in the SQL statements anywhere in the WHERE/HAVING/SELECT section whereas Function can be. The most important feature of stored procedures over function is to retention and reuse the execution plan while in case of function it will be compiled every time. Functio...
In Sql Server, both functions and stored procedures can be defined as the logically grouping of Sql statements formed to...
而存储过程(Stored Procedure),则像是一个小型的工作流程,里面可能包含了多个步骤,判断,甚至是循环,更像是一个小型工厂,原材料进去,经过一系列加工后出来的可能是各种异构的产品。存储过程不仅能接受输入,处理数据,还能返回零个、一个或多个结果。而且它还特别聪明,因为可以根据不同的情况执行不同的逻辑。 说到这,...
SQL Server DDL Trigger is a special kind of trigger that fires in response to Data Definition Language (DDL) statements – CREATE, ALTER, DROP (Table, Function, Index, Stored Procedures, Views.. etc). They can be used to perform the administrative tasks in the database, such as - auditin...
SQL Stored Procedure and Function Anything can be programmable with defined syntax and common lib. 1 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_GetLaborHourPerDayEmployee](@au_Date DATETIME, @au_employeeID VARCHAR(30)) 2 -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here 3 AS 4 BEGIN 5 -- SET NOCOUNT...
FROMOPENROWSET('MSDASQL','DRIVER={SQL Server}; SERVER=localhost; Trusted_Connection=yes','EXEC AdventureWorks..[usp_get]'); Theusp_getprocedure is used in the above sample code that exists in theAdventureWorksdatabase. If you do not specify the database in connection and query statement, then...
You'll need to switch from recursion to iteration. 28 levels of recursion is too much to be ...
in my SQL function, I am not able to figure out a way to do that. This is leading to a situation where the time saved by executing directly on the server is negated by the fact that the server has to repeat a few of the same exact queries, and they can take a good amount of ...
A Procedure doesn't have to return anything. But it can accept any number of parameters in and also any number of parameters out. There is no RETURN in a procedure. At the present time functions are limited in the SQL they can use but that should be temporary. Also you can't use a...
Lets say that as SA in SQL 2008 I have created a Stored Procedure or Function, myProc, in the Master database.I then created a Database Role, MyDBRole, in Northwind and added several Users to it.I want members of MyDBRole to be able to execute master.dbo.myProc...