function& operator=(nullptr_t); function& operator=(const function&); template<class Fty2> function& operator=(Fty2); template<class Fty2> function& operator=(reference_wrapper<Fty2>); void swap(function&); explicit operator bool() const; result_type operator()(T1, T2, ..., TN) const...
Q I'm using the source code from a template-based library. This library includes some specializations of a template function for a specific type. The class template, function template, and template function specialization are all in header files. I #included the headers into my .cpp ...
Class template std::function is a general-purpose polymorphic function wrapper Instances of std::function can store, copy, and invoke any CopyConstructible Callable target–functions, lambda expressions, bind expressions, or other function objects, as well as pointers to member functions and pointers...
Example: Member function template of a class template Example: Define member templates outside class Example: Templated user-defined conversion See also The term member template refers to both member function templates and nested class templates. Member function templates are function templates that...
template<classR,class... Args >classfunction<R(Args...)>; std::functional 是一个类模板,它是一个通用的多态函数包装器。std::funcion 的实例可以存储、拷贝、和引用任何拷贝构造的目标,函数,lambda表达式、绑定的表达式、或者其他函数对象,比如成员函数指针或者成员变量指针。
4.1 从ClassBuilder创建一个function说起 代码语言:javascript 复制 template<typenameT>template<typenameF,typename...P>ClassBuilder<T>&ClassBuilder<T>::function(IdRef name,Ffunction,P...policies){// Construct and add the metafunctionreturnaddFunction(detail::newFunction(name,function,policies...));}...
template <typename T>struct identity{ ...
The first template function returns a forwarding call wrapper g with a weak result type. The effect of g(u1, u2, ..., uM) is INVOKE(f, v1, v2, ..., vN, result_of Class<Fty cv (V1, V2, ..., VN)>::type), where cv is the cv-qualifiers of g and the values and types ...
_Right._Empty()) { if (_Right._Local()) { // move and tidy _Set(_Right._Getimpl()->_Move(&_Mystorage)); _Right._Tidy(); } else { // steal from _Right _Set(_Right._Getimpl()); _Right._Set(nullptr); } } } template <class _Fx> void _Reset(_Fx&& _Val) { // ...
public class PageFunction<T> : System.Windows.Navigation.PageFunctionBase类型参数T PageFunction<T> 返回给调用方的值的类型。继承 Object DispatcherObject DependencyObject Visual UIElement FrameworkElement Page PageFunctionBase PageFunction<T> 注解PageFunction<T> 实质上允许将页面导航视为函数调用,其中页面导...