At that point, all motor units will be firing at their maximum frequencies. For a detailed discussion of mammalian muscles, the reader is refered to Bobet and Stein [1] and Ding et al.[2, 3]. In the following section we present a brief review of electroactive polymers (EAP) as ...
The mean (95% CI) isokinetic strength of all measured muscles was reduced by 19.4% (5.9–32.8%)ThomasDepartmentHarboDepartmentHenningDepartmentAndersenDepartmentKristianDepartmentOvergaardDepartmentJohannesDepartmentJakobsenDepartmentWileyJournal of the Peripheral Nervous System...
Muscle spindles are encapsulated sensory receptors which inform the brain about changes in the length of muscles [3,20]. They consist of specialized muscle fibers (so called intrafusal fibers) that are multiply innervated and named according to the arrangement of their nuclei as nuclear bag or nu...
Mean age of the sample was 47.5 y. Substantial cross-sectional age differences in grip strength and physical function were consistent across race/ethnicity. Racial/ethnic differences, with and without adjustment for covariates, were evident in all outcomes except grip strength. Racial differences in l...
Skeletal muscle is the type of muscle that controls movement. Problems with these muscles can be minor, life-threatening, or ongoing problems that make it hard to perform basic daily activities. What Is Skeletal Muscle? Skeletal muscle includes the tissue fibers attached toyour skeletonor bones an...
ロングマン現代英英辞典より関連するトピック:Computers,Mathsfunc‧tion1/ˈfʌŋkʃən/●●●S3W1AWLnoun1[countable, uncountable]thepurposethat something has, or the job that someone or something doesperform/fulfil a functionIn your new job you will perform a variety of functions.Th...
Each participant was informed that the thrust movement (i.e. the concentric phase) was responsible for the peak power value and that they should perform it with maximum intention. Between each actual trial, the participants had a 3-minute break. They completed a total of 3 trials. The ...
Overview of the origins, insertions, innervation and functions of the muscles of the pelvic floor. Learn all about these muscles at Kenhub!
You may have hypertonicity in your muscles without actually having spasticity! An example of how spasticity may affect you while you perform a functional task: when you try to quickly open up your fingers from a fisted position in order to place your hand around your coffee cup, your fingers...
A positive Chvostek’s sign ranges from twitching of the lip at the corner of the mouth, to spasm of all of the facial muscles on the stimulated side. However, slightly positive responses occur in as many as 10–15% of healthy adults. Trousseau’s sign is provoked when a ...