Founded in 1993, Funcom is an independent developer and publisher of games for PC and consoles. We've made over 20 games and here's some of them!
Funcom was founded in 1993 and has made over 25 games. The studio has changed over the years, but we have always remained true to what drives us: Make great games and have a damn good time doing it.公告 Funcom冬季特賣2024 Funcom 2024 年秋季特賣 ...
Funcom was founded in 1993 and has made over 25 games. The studio has changed over the years, but we have always remained true to what drives us: Make great games and have a damn good time doing it.公告 Funcom 2024年冬季促销 Funcom 2024年秋季促销精选...
Founded in 1993, Funcom is an independent developer and publisher of games for PC and consoles. Titles include Conan Exiles and Secret World Legends.
Founded in 1993, Funcom is an independent developer and publisher of games for PC and consoles. Titles include Conan Exiles and Secret World Legends.
The march forward, undaunted; unconquered From the collective minds and fingertips of... Read more Undaunted. Unrelenting. Unconquered. 2019-03-21 In celebration of the upcoming RTS Conan Unconquered, test your mettle in Age of Conan's new... ...
For issues or questions related to the games or apps below: * Conan Exiles * Mutant Year Zero Contact the support team here: https://www
现在,在我制作这个视频的时候,《沙丘:觉醒》已经确认将通过Steam在PC上发布,我相信Epic Games也可能会得到它,PS5和Xbox Series X和S游戏机,所以如果你是PS4或Xbox One的用户,你很可能不会参与到乐趣中,就像之前的一些谣言所说的那样。我认为这是一件好事,因为是时候抛弃第八代游戏机了,这样开发者才能更...
这家挪威公司成立于1983年。该工作室拥有多人在线角色扮演游戏的血统,曾制作过2001年的《无政府状态在线》和2012年的《秘密世界》。Funcom还开发了冒险游戏《最长的旅程》及其续集。 腾讯是全球最大的游戏公司。这家公司是《英雄联盟》开发商Riot Games的大股东,而Fortnite工作室Epic Games的少数股权。腾讯在7月还...
Funcom is an award-winning video game developer and publisher in the entertainment industry. The company specializes in creating online multiplayer games that offer unique experiences and narratives. Funcom's portfolio includes a range of games, from survival and adventure genres to rhythm shooters and...