「Conan Exiles 是一款以《Conan the Barbarian》的國度為背景的網路多人生存遊戲,現在還加入了巫術元素。在單人與多人遊戲中,在開放世界沙箱中生存下來,並將你的家園建造成帝國,征服敵人。」 R$ 46,99 發行時間:2022 年 3 月 1 日 「《Conan Chop Chop》是一款適合 1 至 4 名玩家的派對 roguelite 遊...
从完整的Funcom商品目录中发现一系列令人惊叹的游戏,包括Conan Exiles、Metal: Hellsinger、Dune: Spice Wars和The Longest Journey等! 如果您已经拥有这些游戏,还能够以折扣价购买多个DLC和扩展包。
Founded in 1993, Funcom is an independent developer and publisher of games for PC and consoles. Titles include Conan Exiles and Secret World Legends.
Conan Exiles - The Savage Frontier Pack 蛮王柯南:野蛮边境包 Conan Exiles - Jewel of the West Pack 蛮王柯南:西方珠宝包 Conan Exiles - The Imperial East Pack 蛮王柯南:帝国东方包 Secret World Legends 神秘世界传奇 Anarchy Online 混乱在线:影之地 Conan Exiles 蛮王柯南 Hide and Shriek 隐藏...
如果你曾购买过《流放者柯南》(Conan Exiles),在过去的30天中感觉游戏的服务器不对劲,并因此在Steam上留下了差评的话……我有一个好消息和一个坏消息。 好消息是:游戏开发商Funcom非常重视这些差评,甚至连CEO Rui Casais都对此耿耿于怀,他们确实通过这一途径接收到了你的意见…… ...
Conan Exiles Conan Exiles is the open-world survival game set in the brutal world of Conan the Barbarian! Survive. Build. Dominate. 40.1k Metal: Hellsinger Metal: Hellsinger is a rhythm FPS, brimming with diabolical enemies, powerful weapons, and metal music. Set out on an infernal journey...
Conan Exiles will be released for Early Access on PC in the summer of 2016, with full launch on both PC and consoles to follow. While it supports single-player, Conan Exiles is first and foremost a multiplayer game that can be played on both public and private servers. ...
Funcom 与 Dark Horse Comics, Inc. 高兴地宣布,两家公司的创意团队正在制作《Conan Exiles》的电子版漫画书,并将于明年1月面市。《Conan Exiles》是一款开放世界的求生游戏,以蛮王柯南的荒野大陆为背景。粉丝在漫画中能以独特的视角了解发生在流放之地的各种事件。创意团队包括 Michael Moreci(脚本创作)、José Luis...
Founded in 1993, Funcom is an independent developer and publisher of games for PC and consoles. Titles include Conan Exiles and Secret World Legends.