55、es.Step2StudyskillsUsingadictionaryThewordsinadictionaryareinalphabeticalorderfromAtoZ.Thishelpsusfindwordsquickly.Iftwowordsstartwiththesameletter,welookatthesecondletterofthewordwewanttolookup.Ifthefirsttwolettersoftwowordsarethesame,welookatthethirdletter,andsoon.Step3Practice.Putthefollowingword 56、si...
(请作答此空),unpke the poet's words,is real in the sense that it moves and works,producing visible outputs separate from the construct itself.It prints results,draws pictures,produces sounds,moves arms.Programming then is fun because it gratifies creative longings built deep within us and de...
and remember the letters and letter combinations that represent them.I can know incomplete plosion.Step 9Homework【家庭作业】1.Review the words,phra 13、ses and sentences.2.Do the exercises in students book.Board Design【板书设计】Unit 5Fun ClubsPeriod 1Section A(1a1d)Pronunciation(12)1....
Some sounds(音) of words are 27 , for example, the “th” sound. It takes lots of time. You need to 28 them over and over again. Let’s try!This, that, those, them, think, thought, through, thin, thick ...Read, read, read—in English, of course! Reading is also a good ...
You can use these mats with play dough and the students can roll strips of play dough to form the letters. Alternatively, students can use dry-erase markers to trace the letters. Due to lack of ph- clip art, the ph page asks students to circle words that have ph in them. Beginning...
Activity2:Lookandfind LookatthepicturesinPart2andanswerthequestions.Usethewordstohelpyou.writingshare joy friend idea story Wecangetfunfromit,sowecansharethejoyofwriting.Towriteagood story,weneedtoreadmanybooksanddomuchpractice.Hobbiescan bringusfriendswhenweshareourwritingwithothers.Andtalkingwith our...
Unit5+Fun+Clubs+Section+A课件--2024-2025学年人教版七年级英语上册 Unit5FunClubs Lookandshare 1.Whatarethestudentsinthephotodoing?2.Howdoyouthinktheyfeel?Happyandexcited.3.Whatclubdoyouthinktheyarein?Theschoolscience/ˈsaɪəns/club.4.Doyouwanttojointhisclub?Whatclubsdoyoulike?Whydowejoin...
B A fun day out愉快的一日游B1 Kitty wants to know th e meanings o f some基蒂想知道琳达的电子邮件中words in Linda's email. Help Kitty match th e words的一些词语的含义。 帮助基蒂把左边的词语和右边的意思搭on th e left with th e meanings on th e right. Writ e the配起来。 把正确的...
Boy:Canyoureadthesewordswithfeeling? LinHua:Letmehaveatry.“Tobe,ornottobe,thatisthe 这句话是莎士比亚戏剧 question.”haveatry尝试一下 中哪个人物的独白? Boy:Great!CometoRoom11at12:00everyThursday. Languagepoints 1.Howdoyouchooseaschoolclub?(教材P52标题) ...
A fun day out愉快的一日游B1 Kitty wants to know th e meanings o f som e words基蒂想知道琳达的电子邮件中的一些词in Linda's email. Help Kitty match th e words on th e left语的含义。 帮助基蒂把左边的词语和右with th e meanings on th e right. Writ e th e correct letters边的意思...