One fun way to begin is by making a family tree. On a large piece of paper, write the names of the people in your immediate(直系的) family across the bottom. Add other family members and draw lines to show how they’re connected, including grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts and unc...
Ways for Kids to Learn their Name Acrunchy sensory binfull of letters! Kids can explore the bin and find the letters to spell their names. We are LEGO lovers! This is a fabulous way toexplore letters and nameswhile developing fine motor and STEM skills! Name Folderscan help kids learn th...
” In a non-creepy way, ideally. Sit on a bench on a public square or on a road-side table at your favorite café, and start observing the people around you. Pay attention to any interesting quirks or behaviors, and write it down. Then put on your detective’s hat and try to ...
6 ways car sharing can increase your productivity at work Lex Barber - December 6, 2016 Plenty of us liftshare to and from the office on a daily basis, but how can the journey actually increase your performance once you arrive? Easy. Put down the… read more Quiz: Do you know what da...
You're about to embark on an exciting adventure that will go by entirely too fast. To all those going off to college and beyond, I wish you good luck on your journeys! Looking for more ways to prep for life as an undergrad?Check out all Our Best Advice for Freshman Yea...
This classroom favorite is worth the five minutes it takes to make. Write each letter on the end of a popsicle stick. Also make one or two sticks that say “KABOOM!” To play, set a timer, and take turns drawing a stick out of a container. If a player can say the letter name cor...
Give your child a stack of index cards (maybe ten) and have them write the names of objects they find around the house. Then have them put the cards in alphabetical order. Most kids quickly catch on to putting words in order based on the first letter, but adding additional letters is ...
To further the introductions, you may have all new members share fun facts about themselves when colleagues draw their names. 26. Common Ground I love common ground because teammates learn so much about each other and there are so many ways to play! You will have your team play this game ...
Good to know: In this guide there is FREE things to do, and activities you need a ticket for. We share 4 ways to book certain tours. These are:Get Your Guide –here’s the guide how to book with Get Your Guide –here’s my guide and review of Awesome fun ...
There are three ways to use theseall about me face mats. The first way is with play dough! Kids will have a blast using play dough to make their face on these fun play dough mats. There are also full body mats in black and white so that students can make their face and clothing as...