Every child learns at a different pace and in a variety of ways. The goal is to not only teach the skills necessary to get through school, but to also instill a desire to keep reading for life. This is why it’s important to discover ways to make reading captivating.So, how does a ...
Teach ALL Reading Skills with Interactive Nursery Rhymes 2. Nursery Rhymes - Interactive Reading Notebook Something fascinating happens whenkids engage with nursery rhymes- they naturally start to grasp the flow and rhythm of language, enhancing their reading speed and accuracy. And that's not all!
This is actually the perfect age to start introducing them to the magic of language. Imagine building a strong foundation for your child's future, a foundation built on the power of communication. Start with the Basics: Think about it, when your baby was learning their ...
7 Fun & Creative Ways to Teach Phonics How to Make Practicing Phonics Fun! Today, we're here to talk about phonics - fundamental skills that bridge the gap between reading and understanding. Phonics helps your students decode words, improve their spelling, boost their reading speed, and much ...
The truth lies in our addiction to instant satisfaction promised by some language apps. However, besides these apps, here are some ways to help you learn a new language: 1. Be a child, watch cartoons One of the most common advice for language learners is to watch children’s cartoons, wh...
Colour songs are the best way for learning colours for babies and toddlers. Preschoolers use songs as the best medium to help learning colours for babies. Using songs is the best way to teach kids about the colours, because the tunes stay into minds for the long-term. Some of the best ...
Are you looking for creative and exciting ways to introduce your kids to the wonders of the Chinese language? Learning a new language can be an enjoyable experience, especially when it’s filled with fun activities and interactive games. Here are some fantastic ideas to make learning Chinese a...
working together to act out routines for the class, and creating a class list of procedures together are all ways to reinforce the classroom routines and procedures. Once your students understand what is expected, they will feel more comfortable and be able to focus on academics and becoming suc...
PIN for when you want to teach sight words in a fun way! FINE MOTOR ACTIVITIES These sight word activities also help kids develop their fine motor skills in creative and engaging ways. Fine motor skills are essential for learning the other half of literacy, writing, so it’s a win-win!
Teach to Students Ability Like most educators, you probably learned about Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory when you were in college. You learned about the eight different types of intelligence that guide the way we learn and process information. Use this theory to teach to each studen...