Here is my blog post on thebest things to do in Waterfordand myWaterford Travel Guide. Click here to read my guide onthings to do in Wicklow. And here is my guide onthings to do in Kilkenny. You can read myWest Cork Travel Guide. If you are visiting Ireland, look at my many blog...
My wife and I spent the full day with Eamonn visiting the Glendalough, Wicklow and the city of Kilkenny. It was a memorable day touring the area outside of Dublin. Eamonn was the best guide and host you could ask for. Also, we wanted to visit the...
My wife and I spent the full day with Eamonn visiting the Glendalough, Wicklow and the city of Kilkenny. It was a memorable day touring the area outside of Dublin. Eamonn was the best guide and host you could ask for. Also, we wanted to visit the...
In onions and honey, That wayward Old Man of Kilkenny.” –Edward Lear This limerick by Edward Lear is successful because it incorporates three essential elements— humor, absurdity, and character—to create an amusing image. The rhyme scheme is traditional (AABBA), and the rhythm is mostly ...
Penalties Are Listed In The Order Dressage, Show Jumping … Virginia CCI* andHorseTrials, Virginia,America2nd to 4th November CCI* 6th Kilkenny (ISH) -2005 bay gelding by Limmerick C.Woods. Rider: Bea Di Grazia (USA).RockingHorseClassic Three Day Event andHorseTrials,… Read Full Source ... Funghi Foray 20th Sept 7:30 – 16:00 & 4th Oct 7:30 – 15:00 A tutored expedition led by mycologist Neville Kilkenny. We will travel about 1.5hrs to a secret location within a Caledonian Pine forest. After a morning foray a ...
My wife and I spent the full day with Eamonn visiting the Glendalough, Wicklow and the city of Kilkenny. It was a memorable day touring the area outside of Dublin. Eamonn was the best guide and host you could ask for. Also, we wanted t...