Fun driving is not all about speed and the mightily impressive Porsche Cayenne SUV is a terrific example of this. This sports car meets SUV offers a thrilling experience behind the wheel with four-wheel-drive that enables it to tackle the toughest of terrains with ease. In addition to its o...
尤其是车身底部粗壮的黑色饰板和硬派的黑色轮眉,让它看起来远比一般主打时尚的城市SUV更狂野。值得一提的是,TNGA架构还赋予了卡罗拉 锐放低重心车身,最大化展现了新车动感的一面。高舒适:宽享舒阔的驾乘空间 除了高颜值,TNGA架构还赋予了卡罗拉 锐放宽敞舒适的驾乘空间。卡罗拉 锐放长宽高分别为4460/1825/1620mm...
Fun drive in super SUVsYamin Vong
Once the car is up to speed the experience is very different. The Q4 e-tron has a low driving position that’s more like a saloon car than an SUV which feels better for driving. Compared to large SUVs the car feels pretty lightweight and agile, making it more responsive through corners...
Here is the list of top 5 fun to drive cars that are loved by auto enthusiasts but have been discontinued over the years. In the past year, manufacturers have started developing turbo petrol engines and we see many new turbo cars coming up. For manufactu
According to the J.D. Power 2013 Automotive Performance, Execution and Layout (APEAL) Study,SM the following 10 small car models are rated as the most fun-to-drive vehicles on the market, based on their overall Driving Dynamics score in the study.
Of course, the Urus isn’t perfect. Farah notes that even thoughthe SUVfeatures an advanced air suspension system, it can sometimes be a little slow to react along bumpy roads. He also says that the steering is extremely artificial and when it changes in different driving ...
这样一个冰与火之夜,最大规模的福特品牌体验活动“FUN DAY”三款新车齐发,包括福克斯Active、新款锐界ST/ST-Line以及新款金牛座,燃情诠释“FUN TO DRIVE超凡驾驭”乐趣。 与此同时,搭载了代表福特领先技术的Co-Pilot360智行驾驶辅助系统,携手中国顶尖科技公司——百度打造的更懂中国消费者的SYNC+智行信息娱乐系统,荟...
五十万元左右的豪华品牌轿跑SUV,无论是动力、配置都可圈可点。奔驰GLC 轿跑、宝马X4和奥迪Q5L Sportback这三款车从外形上看各有特色,奔驰GLC 轿跑豪华感更突出、宝马X4更加张扬、运动氛围更强,奥迪Q5L Sportback则胜在精致感与时尚度。动力方面,宝马更具优势,操控也更有质感,是喜欢动力强劲的消费者的不二选择...
锐界SUV家族售价区间26.98-38.98万元。 福特ST(Sport Technologies)意为 “运动技术”;该品牌于1997年在欧洲首次推出ST高性能车型,随后嘉年华ST等一系列车型前后来到消费者身边。2019上海车展期间,长安福特带来该品牌首款国产性能SUV锐界ST,该产品基于新款锐界打造而来。新车外观配备了ST系列车型独有的空气动力学套件,同时...