I'm a huge Jim Carrey fan; I've found with most people that you are or you aren't. If you aren't a Carrey fan than this film may not be for you... I was very anxious for this film to come out once I heard it was in production; however, after I saw a couple of reviews ...
Don’t worry about the alcohol thing, our life together will be full of many amazing things. I cannot wait to show you the wonders of America. From the mountains of Tallahassee to the shoreline of Minot, from the simple farmlands of Trenton to the canals of Reno, we will explore this l...
BSD4.3-Reno 386BSD-0.1 Enjoy! Posted in32v,386BSD,4 BSD,4.2 BSD,4.3 BSD,4.3 BSD RENO,80386,AT&T Unix,BSD,i386,SIMH,unix,videos,virtual networking,Win32 I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, but wow it’s been 30 years. I can remember having a really good GPA to basically bei...
his father took him to a phrenologist-a practitioner who claimed he could predict the future by reading the bumps on a person's head. Kroc's chart revealed that his future would be in the food-service industry. Whether through psychic power or sheer luck, the phrenologist proved to be ...
323 254 4652 or jfureno@worldnet.att.net. Please, only use that email and number to contact Maggie about sewing or jams. Email us to contact us. Please. We aren't entirely gone, we will still have knitting groups meeting in the ...
Great stuff! Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on September 23, 2012: Travel Man, that's a great comparison! Thanks so much for the comment. Ireno Alcala from Bicol, Philippines on September 16, 2012: Wow! It's like Flip Tap, a lyrical and well-rhymed insult rapping that is now ...
on the West Coast (we're going to hedge here a little) is The White Orchid, in the PepperMill in Reno. Although located in the middle of a casino, once inside the atmosphere is elegant and the food four star. Try the filet mignon with blue cheese melting over the top. Delicious!
In October I got to go on a trip to Reno to visit Matthew at college. I worked an invite from Suzy because they were going up, staying overnight at Suzy's mom's place near Tahoe. Saw a bit of snow over Donner Summit. A shot from the moving car. ...
David briefly returns to visit granny (she’s from Reno) (7) Answer:NEVADAN(i.e. “she’s from Reno”). Solution is DAVE (i.e. “David briefly”) reversed or “returning” and placed in or “visiting” NAN (i.e. “granny”), like so: N(EVAD)AN. ...
The idea of doing this in my living room half makes me want to go out in search of Christmas lights on clearance at local stores. It’d be easy enough to hang lights from the picture rail. But I don’t really want to buy more stuff, and I don’t really want to go traipsing ar...