101 Fun Facts About the Solar SystemJeannie Meekins
* | Tags: Fun facts Innovation Stamps The “Pluto: Not Yet Explored” 29-cent stamp was part of a set of solar system stamps that were issued in 1991. Wikipedia (CC) MULE TRAIN delivery The most unusual delivery method used by the Postal Service is a mule train in Arizona. The ...
Fun Facts More Fun Facts The sun contains more than 99.8% of the total mass of the Solar System. Humorous Pranks ...and nobody got hurt Karl Johan: Limbo time! A funny prank in which no one gets hurt but a little embarrassed. A hilariously funny video. Funny Joke from the Forum Love...
15 Awesome Fun Facts about Guinea Pigs That Will Blow Your MindRead More 13 Facts About Drones That You Might Want To Know Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), or drones, are any aircraft that can operate without any human pilots or crew on board. They are usually controlled remotely. … ...
The immensely strong gravity of the Sun keeps objects in the solar system orbiting around it. Some solar systems elsewhere in the universe have more than one Sun! Can you imagine a sky with 2 or 3 suns? Our Sun is a yellow dwarf star. Facts about the Weather The top speed of a rai...
The tallest mountain in the solar system is Olympus Mons on the planet Mars. This otherworldly peak is 13 miles high, making it two and a half times taller than Mount Everest. In fact, there are four other mountains on the Red Planet that surpass Everest. There is even a mountain on ...
Here we are on Earth, the third rock from the Sun. But how much do we really know about the bright light at the center of our solar system? Some of these facts are simply sun-believable! The Sun’s warmth is vital to all life on Earth. Ancient people used the Sun’s rising and ...
完形填空Fun facts about Mars Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest planet of the solar system.It is 1 than the Earth with a diameter of6,792 kilometres. If you stand on Mars and2 the Sun, it will appear about half the size as we see it on the Earth. Mar...